- cultural value outlook 文化价值观
- cultural values outlook 文化价值观
- Easily absorb the essence of the cultural value system. 华文能力强的学生能够很容易地吸收华族文化价值观的精髓。
- Broken scrolls are very precious for their high cultural value. 珍本残卷十分珍贵,有很高的文物价值。
- Why there are few cadres being defeated by money and badger games? that's also because of the lack of study, the errors of world outlook, life outlook and value outlook. 为什么总有少数干部在各种腐朽思想的侵蚀和金钱、美色的诱惑面前打了败仗?还是因为理论学习不够,世界观、人生观、价值观发生了偏差。
- Characteristics and Cultural Value of Twentieth Literature in China. 二十世纪中国文学的特质和文化价值。
- With the passage of time, the cultural value form AWH to AWI is stronger. 岁月流转,尊古山房所传承的人文底蕴与家学积淀日久弥坚!
- In this sense, the encyclopedic cultural value and historic significance of Dunhuang are inestimable. 从这个意义上来说,敦煌百科全书般的文化价值和历史重量是无法估计的。
- From the perspective of the knowledge contained in technique ethnics, it includes value outlook on technique, moral norms on technique, the moral responsibility of technique subject, etc. 从技术伦理的知识构成看,技术伦理教育应包括技术价值观、技术道德规范、技术主体的道德责任等维度。
- The Ligurian coast between Cinque Terre and Portovenere is a cultural landscape of great scenic and cultural value. 位于五村镇与韦内雷港之间的利古里亚滨海地区是有着重要风景和文化价值的文化风景区。
- Students of advanced Chinese language abilities can easily absorb the essence of the cultural value system. 华文能力强的学生能够很容易地吸收华族文化价值观的精髓。
- Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self-reliance and independence. 和美国家庭的这种爱同时并存的是自强及独立的文化价值观。
- There are plans to restore another 50 building structures of important historical and cultural value. 力争五年内再修缮50处文物建筑。
- In a set operation, the culture value cannot be found. 在设置操作中,无法找到区域性值。
- In this sense,the encyclopedic cultural value and historic significance of Dunhuang are inestimable. 从这个意义上来说,敦煌百科全书般的文化价值和历史重量是无法估计的。
- value outlook of regarding people as the subject 人民主体价值观
- Japanese cultural Values reward those who promote harmonious exchange. 日本的文化准则奖励那些促进和睦交流的人。
- As a precious pearl in the storehouse of languages, idioms enjoy significant cultural value. 习语是语言宝库中璀璨的不可或缺的一颗珍珠,具有重要的文化价值。
- Chinese names are the symbols and manifestation of such cultural values. 中文名字正是此一精神价值的延续和象征。
- Making decision in a position to your own cultural value perspective and global view. 能够根据自己的价值观和从国际角度进行决策。