- Broadcasting, like cultural teaching, is a part of Lamarckian search. 传播,与文化学习一样,是拉马克检索的一部分。
- Culture teaching is an important content in FLT. 文化教学是外语教学中一个重要内容。
- Confucius used the subject of making friends in cultural teaching and compared liege relationship with friends which has realism and idealism. 孔子将交友主题寓于文化教学中,并将君臣关系与朋友关系相比照,既有现实性又带有强烈的理想化色彩。
- This should produce a greater sense of cultural teaching and therewith learning in intercultural conflicts. 这将能够营造一种更好的文化教学感,并随之能够在跨国界的文化冲突中学习。
- In addition, it is still an untouched field to study the TBL approach to cultural teaching. 此外,研究任务型教学与中学生跨文化交际能力的培养仍是一个未涉及的领域。
- It is of great significance to emphasize cultural difference and strengthen cultural teaching in vocational college for the teaching aim of being practical-orientated. 在高职高专英语教学中加强文化教学,强调文化差异,对于培养学生的跨文化交际能力,实现高职英语"实用为主"教学目标意义重大。
- To make some comments on current cultural teaching, the misunderstandings and problems about the TBL approach from the angle of teaching practice and theoretical analysis. 从教学实践和理论分析的角度,阐述文化教学的现状,任务型教学的误区与存在的问题。
- Accordingly, the research testifies the effectiveness of the culture teaching. 从而证明了文化教学融入外语教学的可行性、有效性。
- Teacher plays an important part in classroom culture teaching in EFL context. 在外语语境下的课堂文化教学中,教师的作用举足轻重。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- The article, based on the practice in basic English teaching, discussed the foothold, methods and principles of culture teaching. 本文结合专业基础英语课的实践,探讨了文化教学的立足点,具体方法和基本原则。
- Chapter One serves as an introduction stating the study on culture teaching, the development of culture teaching and the teaching of ERC in China. 第一章介绍了对跨文化交际和文化教学的研究。 交际能力被视为阅读教学中最重要的目标,但目前的教学与此目标却相距甚远。
- The experimental group participated in 12 intergenerational programs into local culture teaching activities and the control group was not. 实验组接受12次代间方案融入乡土教学活动,控制组则无。
- She went the vole and finally settled on teaching. 她一次又一次地变换职业,最后选定了教书。
- Business English cultural teaching 商务英语文化教学
- The museum has many immemorial cultural relics. 该博物馆收藏了很多极其古老的文物。
- The results were as follows: before and after their participation of the Intergenerational Program into Local Culture Teaching, the elders perceived positive meaning in life. 结果发现:老人在参与代间方案融入乡土教学前、后,其生命意义均为正向;
- Our cultural delegation met with a hearty welcome. 我们的文化代表团受到热烈欢迎。
- Teaching content should be concise. 教学内容要少而精。
- connotation of cultural teaching 文化教学内涵