- How Can the Cultural Philosophy of the Confucianism Be Possible? 儒家文化哲学何以可能?
- The birth of humanism marked the formation of western cultural philosophy. 人本主义的产生,标志着西方文化哲学的形成;
- The cultural philosophy may be divided into three basic faction: God article principle,Natu... 人本主义与科学主义已成为当代文化哲学的两大主要流派。
- The cultural philosophy provides a new angle for the explanation of gender equality. 摘要性别平等的文化哲学阐释提供了一个新的研究视角。
- Franz Kafka's cultural philosophy includes three parts: super-experience in epistemology, absurdity in the axiology, solution in methodology. 摘要卡夫卡的文化哲学包括:认识论中的超验,价值论中的悖谬,方法论中的消解。
- Today, Ernst Cassirer's cultural philosophy is still a thinking mine which deserves being exploited, epurated and utilized seriously. 今天,卡西尔文化哲学仍是一个值得认真开采、提炼和利用的思想宝库。
- Lohas, the concept of environmental protection and cultural philosophy, embodies the attitude towards origin, nature, health, exquisiteness. “乐活”作为一种新的环保理念和文化内涵,体现着贴近生活本源、自然、健康、精致的生活态度。
- Postmodern cultural thoughts,which sprung up during the middle period of 21st century,was a cultural campaign to animadvert and disengage the modern cultural philosophy and the value of spirit,has subversively influenced many domains,such as psychology. 后现代文化思潮是对现代文化哲学和精神价值取向进行批判和解构的文化运动,它对包括心理学等诸多领域产生颠覆性的影响。
- As a philosophy theory which studies culture,cultural philosophy sprouted in ancient society and formed in European Renaissance. 文化哲学作为研究文化的哲学理论萌芽于古代社会,形成于欧洲文艺复兴运动。
- The culture philosophy is often comprehendedat three meanings: science of culture, primary theory of culturology andphilosophical cultural philosophy. 人们通常在三种层面上理解文化哲学:关于文化的科学,关于文化学的元理论,哲学的文化哲学。
- Nietzche's cultural philosophy, in certain degree, embodies postmodernism politics with the characteristics of attching importance to subjectivity and language controlling that in distorting way. 尼采文化哲学中的后现代意蕴在一定程度上以扭曲的方式体现了后现代政治重主体性、重话语控制等特征。
- The culture philosophy is often comprehended in three meanings:science of culture,primary theory of culturology and philosophical cultural philosophy. 人们通常在三种层面上理解文化学:关于文化的科学,关于文化学的元理论,哲学的文化哲学。
- Distribution of news is a serious function in every corporation, especially those fledglings in China, where sophisticated cultural philosophy was rooted in and distilled through different dynasties. 专业、高效、全方位的核心信息传播对企业至关重要,特别是对于那些初入中国商界的新兴高科技/制药企业以及对中国社会知之甚少的西方企业。
- The practical and futural Value on relation between culture and modernization establish the foundation of studying any system of cultural philosophy. 文化与现代关系的现实、未来价值属性奠定了研究任何一种文化哲学体系的意义基础。
- This article stands at the heights of culture philosophy;to implements cogitate style as a kind of double existences. 本文站在文化哲学的高度,把思维方式理解成一种文化与哲学的双重存在。
- From the viewpoint of culture philosophy, the social delamination is a normality and inevitable phenomena of human society. 从文化哲学的观点来看,社会分层现象是人类社会发展的一种常态,是人类社会发展中不可避免的现象。
- The book is a compendium of their poetry, religion and philosophy. 这本书是他们诗歌、宗教和哲学的概略。
- The culture philosophy is often comprehended at three meanings: science of culture, primary theory of culturology and philosophical cultural philosophy. 人们通常在三种层面上理解文化哲学:关于文化的科学,关于文化学的元理论,哲学的文化哲学。
- She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society. 她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话。
- I cannot understand his conflicting philosophy. 我不能理解他那互相矛盾的思想体系。