- This is the worldwide cultural movement. 这是一个世界性的文化运动。
- This book is a monumental work worthy of China's new cultural movement. 这部著作不愧为中国新文化运动的丰碑。
- Lu Xun will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new Chinese cultural movement. 鲁迅将永远作为中国新文化运动的光辉先驱受人歌颂。
- This cultural movement was not yet possible to become widely diffused among the workers and peasants. 这个文化运动,当时还没有可能普及到工农群众中去。
- It's also one of several CCTV programs often spoofed as part of China's irreverent shanzhai cultural movement. 它也是中央电视台经常被“山寨”文化运动戏仿、恶搞的几个节目之一。
- At that time,it was not yet possible for this cultural movement to become widely diffused among the workers and peasants. 这个文化运动,当时还没有可能普及到工农群众中去。
- Prior to the May 4th Movement,China's new cultural movement her cultural revolution,was led by the bourgeoisie,which still had a leading role to play. 在“五四”以前,中国的新文化运动,中国的文化革命,是资产阶级领导的,他们还有领导作用。
- "Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement";one can thus see how important the cultural movement is for the practical revolutionary movement. “没有革命的理论,就不会有革命的运动”,可见革命的文化运动对于革命的实践运动具有何等的重要性。
- In short, what began as Chinese cultural nationalism later provoked an opposition to Chinese ideology to produce a new Taiwanese cultural movement. 这样一来,大中国文化民族主义的情怀,竟激起并培养了用以对抗中国意识的台湾新文化运动。
- At that time it was not yet possible for this cultural movement to become widely diffused among the workers and peasants. 这个文化运动,当时还没有可能普及到工农群众中去。
- After the 揗ay Fourth 揘ew Cultural Movement, the shock of the west art was a fact that every Chinese painter must face. “五四”新文化运动后,西方美术的冲击是任何一位中国画家所无法回避的问题。
- Keep in close touch with local cultural workers and primary school teachers,in order to establish a broad cultural united front and help advance local cultural movement. 要与地方文化工作者、小学教员等取得密切联系,建立广泛的文化统一战线,推动与帮助地方的文化运动。
- In 1919,the Wu Si culture movement broke out ,Monsignor fell from power. “我”曾派在秦大人家当门警,1919年,“五四”运动爆发,秦大人倒台。
- In response to the social and political needs, the emerging art of modern drama gradually integrated with the May Fourth New Cultural Movement from 1919 onwards. 自1919年开始,中国新兴戏剧与五四新文化运动相结合,回应社会和政治需要。
- This constitutes part of the reason why the feudalistic “filial piety"-the centre of Confucian morality-was targeted by the "May-fourth" new cultural movement since 1919 onward. 这也在一定程度上说明,作为儒家道德观之核心的封建“孝道”,1919年后为什么会成为“五四”新文化运动口诛笔伐的靶标。
- May 4th New Cultural Movement propelled the birth of CPC and the reorganization of KMD, which resulted in the rising of national revolutionary movement. 而五四新文化运动则催生了中国共产党和促成了国民党的改组,从而造成国民革命运动的兴起。
- Yi Baisha is a famous antifeudal fighter and a solemn and stirring patriot in the New Culture Movement. 易白沙是新文化运动中著名的反封建斗士,一位悲壮的爱国者。
- In the end, although the leaders of New Cultural Movement did their best to reform Chinese ethic, they did not change the old disease of paying more attention to pragmatic reason in Chinese ethos. 正因为此,虽然新文化运动的领袖们力图进行伦理的变革,但最终并没有改变中华民族精神中注重实用理性的痼疾。
- We should constantly arouse the enthusiasm of cultural worker and take full advantage of their initiative and creativity, so as to promote the cultural movement among the troops and the masses. 要经常鼓励文化工作者的工作热忱,大大发挥他们的积极性和创造性,使文化运动普及到连队中去,深入到群众中去,真正做到大众化。
- New culture Movement was carried out all over the country, encouraging many young people to join in. 新文化运动在全国展开,鼓舞了很多年轻人加入。