- I wonder if it has any cultural meaning. 不知道是不是有文化的意义。
- The image of Katy has a unique cultural meaning. 凯蒂形象具有独特的文化意义。
- Furniture has been endued with definite cultural meaning. 家具的装饰设计赋予了家具产品明确的文化内涵。
- After the perdition of the North Song Dynasty, the round image of the moon and its cultural meaning of reunion were emphasized. 在北宋灭亡的背景下,中秋月的“团圆”特徵及其象徵意义被凸显和强调。
- I guess handicrafts are valuable because they carry the long history of China and cultural meaning is deeply rooted in them. 我认为手工艺品非常有价值。因为其中包含着中国的悠久历史和深植其中的文化内涵。
- Lack of cultural meaning and innovation ability in TV amusement program led the amusement communication to a difficult situation. 娱乐节目文化内涵的缺乏以及创新能力的不足使得娱乐传播陷入困境。
- This paper deals mainly with the textual research of Phoenix tree. Legend of Phoenix Tree,its planting history and cultural meaning are discussed. 本文主要论述了梧桐的名实考证,梧桐的传说及其文化含义,历史上利用梧桐栽培的历史。
- By analyzing Chinese college gardens, the cultural meaning of college gardens was studied from the per-spective of culturology. 通过对书院园林的分析,从文化角度探讨了书院园林的文化内涵。
- If semeiology is used as the theoretical tools studying the dress patterns, deep cultural meaning of the Chinese dress pattern can be found out. 将符号学作为研究服饰图案的理论工具,有助于挖掘出中国服饰图案更深层次的文化内涵。
- The Reception theory offers a sound explanation to subtitling translation, especially the metaphors with profound cultural meaning. 读者接受理论对字幕翻译尤其是富含文化意蕴的隐喻翻译具有很好的解释力。
- In the fourth chapter the author will discuss the influence of Geji and the art preference of Song Dynasty one the feminity cultural meaning of Ci. 第四章从宋代的歌妓文化,宋人在词中形象和心态的变化,以及宋人艺术审美的精细化、雅致化三方面来体现宋词“女性化”的文化意蕴。
- The ritualistic exhibition introduces the ritual of Ma deity temple in Zherong, Fujian Province to express cultural meaning of Ma deity . 仪式的展演介绍以福建柘荣马仙庙为个案的仪式对马仙信仰的表达及其文化内涵。
- The research makes use of the way of iconology to clarify the cultural meaning of the picture by analyzing the oil paintings of Chang Shuhong. 本研究专题欲借鉴图像学的研究方法,从常书鸿的油画作品分析入手,力图阐释图像背后的文化意义。
- It is feasible to adapt the traditional folk art of the exorcising dance into a series of exorcising exercise which possesses modern and traditional cultural meaning. 把传统民间艺术傩舞改编成具有现代气息而又具有传统文化韵味的系列傩操是切实可行的。
- Glutton motive is a symbol in ancient times, and modern people think it is ferocious, but the cultural meaning of glutton motive can not be explained under this visual feeling. 饕餮纹是存在于上古社会环境中的一种视觉符号,现代人对它产生了“狞厉”的视觉感受,这种视觉感受不能作为解释饕餮纹文化涵义的依据。
- You mistook my meaning entirely. 你完全误解了我的意思。
- Culture means trying to perfect oneself and one's own mind. 修养意指努力使自己和自己的心灵趋于完善。
- Levant seek for the beautiful artistic conception, and the art works which will rise audiences’ repso1e and its aesthetic value and cultural meaning are long-lasting. 深信无论绘画、雕塑、摄影等等艺术形式都是艺术家表达丰富情感的载体,其中的内涵会引起观者的共鸣。
- Essentially,mass culture means raising the cultural level of the peasants. 大众文化,实质上就是提高农民文化。
- Haerbin is a open city and full of exoticism.The unique style,impressed with the city's history and flux, embody plenty human and cultural meaning, emerge it's bygone resplendence. 哈尔滨早期的建筑荟萃了欧洲近代各个流派的建筑艺术,包括巴洛克、拜占庭、古典主义、折中主义、新艺术运动等,如此多种风格建筑集中于一个城市,这在国内是绝无仅有的。