- In fact, the material shaped cultural landscape inheritance's protection is also imminent. 实际上,物质形态的文化景观遗产的保护也迫在眉睫。
- cultural landscape inheritance 文化景观遗产
- This cultural landscape displays the long tradition of wine production in northeastern Hungary. 这一文化景观展示了匈牙利东北部葡萄酒生产的悠久传统。
- The Ligurian coast between Cinque Terre and Portovenere is a cultural landscape of great scenic and cultural value. 位于五村镇与韦内雷港之间的利古里亚滨海地区是有着重要风景和文化价值的文化风景区。
- Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is a breathtaking cultural landscape of great spiritual significance. 卡瓦利泽布日多夫斯津是一处将美丽风景和宗教内涵融于一身的文化景观。
- Mitchell concluded that the cultural landscape is a power tool, which is the expression of an artificial world. 米切尔的结论是,风景是文化权力的一种工具,它表达了一个人为的世界。
- He seemed destined to symbolize the pop culture landscape,regardless of role. 无论饰演什么角色,特拉沃尔塔都注定是通俗文化的象征。
- "Redcliffe" and "Feibao" Xiangyingjiaohui, cultural landscape and the natural landscape Xiangyingchengqu. “红崖”与“飞瀑”相映交辉,人文景观与自然景观相映成趣。
- Beautiful natural landscape, cultural landscape many unique landforms in the Loess Plateau. 自然景观秀丽,人文景观众多,黄土高原地形地貌独特。
- Nowadays, with the rapid development of modern cities, many conflicts unavoidably occur between city modernization and historic cultural landscape conservation. 摘要当前,在城市化急速发展的背景下,城市现代化建设同历史文化保护之间不可避免地存在着许多矛盾。
- Finally, Planning of different levels has different effects on the development and conservation of the cultural landscape in the Elbtal Dresden. 最后论述了不同层次的规划对德累斯顿易北河段人文景观的发展和保护的作用。
- The Champasak cultural landscape, including the Vat Phou Temple complex, is a remarkably well-preserved planned landscape more than 1,000 years old. 占巴塞文化景观,包括瓦普神庙建筑群,是一处完好保留了1,000多年来人类文化的杰作。
- Visit cultural landscape and the natural landscape at the same time, you can also participate in recreational activities with Manchu characteristics. 参观人文景观与自然景观的同时,您还可参与具有满族特色的娱乐活动。
- Our cultural landscape is quite unique in this regard.We open our arms and before we know it, we are being colonized and abused. 而就在青青为妹妹的事焦虑时,兰兰其实坐在她的化妆台前抹口红和欣赏自己的倒影,并且越来越沉默。
- The unique cultural landscape of "seventeen-year poem" has been closely related with the ideological writing strategy of poetry. 摘要“十七年诗歌”呈现的“独特”的文化景观,与诗歌意识形态的书写策略分不开。
- But Paris city hall, alarmed that the garish knick-knacks are damaging Paris's "cultural landscape", has launched a battle to protect the literary soul of the banks of the Seine. 但是,为谨防这些花哨的小玩意儿破坏巴黎的“文化气息”,巴黎市政厅发起了一场保护塞纳河岸文学灵魂的战役。
- From the view of unaffected beauty, folk culture is a natural culture landscape. 摘要从自然美的视野来看,民间的或民俗的文化是一种自然的文化风景。
- The emotion is reflected on the human habitat environment and has formed the cultural landscape represented by“Mazu Culture”. 这种情感体现在村落人居环境上,形成了以“妈祖文化”为代表的文化景观。
- The landscape unrolled under the speeding plane. 大自然的景色展现在快速飞行的飞机之下。
- This is simply the pursuit of cultural landscape greening rate offered by the content window to window to see King, is the environmental design cavort, Shanghai has first step in this regard. 这与单纯地追求绿化率又多了景观文化的内涵,要做到窗窗见景,确是环境设计上的腾跃,在这方面上海又先行一步。