- Creative industry has the cultural, intellective and industrial connotation. 创意产业具有文化、知识和产业内涵。
- As the successful example in Korean cultural and creative industry, Nami Island is attracting more and more visitors from across the world with curiosity and imagination! 作为韩国文化创意产业的成功典范,南怡岛正吸引着越来越多的来自世界各地的充满好奇心和想象力的人们。
- In the process, museums have become part of a globalized creative industry. 在这样的过程中,博物馆成了全球化创意产业的一环。
- Industry Orientation: focusing on the development of new industries, food processing, bio-engineering, cultural and creative industries. 产业定位:重点发展新型工业、食品加工业、生物工程、文化创意等产业。
- Realizing the potential of cultural industries, the city government quickly usurped the control of private capital by designating creative industry clusters. 当理解到文化产业的发展潜力时,北京市政府迅速地藉由指定创意产业特区来取得控制权。
- As the integrant of modernize services, the development of creative industry has important strategy significance on city competitive power of Shanghai. 创意产业作为现代服务业的组成部分,它的发展对提高上海城市的综合竞争力具有重要的战略意义。
- This study investigated the interaction between globalized market economy and the cultural/ creative industry. 本研究探讨全球化市场经济与文化创意产业的相互影响。
- In the long term, Hong Kong must conduct in-depth studies on the major issues pertaining to the development of cultural and creative industries. 长远而言,香港必须就种种与文化和创意产业发展有关的重大议题,进行深入探讨和研究。
- Creative industry pours the innovative vigor into the developing tourism industry and lengthens the chain of the later. 摘要创意产业为旅游业的不断发展注入了新的活力并促进了旅游产业链的延伸。
- We dedicate to provide a healthy environment that is conducive to the development of the local cultural and creative industries. 我们致力为本地的文化艺术和创意工业,提供有利的发展环境。
- Creative industries supply googs and service that we broadly associate with cultural, artistic, or simply entertainment value. 从文化经济学的角度在更狭隘的意义上把创意产业定义为:提供具有广义文化、艺术或仅仅是娱乐价值的产品和服务的产业。
- In addition, WIPO's assistance to develop IP and SMEs capacity building programs and to promote the creative industry had also taken off this year. 此外,WIPO今年已经展开向发展知识产权和中小型企业能力建设项目提供援助,并在促进创新产业发展方面也开始提供援助。
- A trilingual discussion (ie Mandarin, Cantonese and English) on the topic of how creative industry influences the community was facilitated by two senior YHA leaders. 午餐后,大家进行两文三语(即普通话、广东话和英语)交流讨论。
- Instead, I started to give more attention to those creative industry award mailings that seemed to come my way at an increasing pace. 相反,我开始更注意那些创意产业奖的邮件,这似乎不断可以达到我的目的。
- This customer innovation activity model that is build up from an Ethnographic model combined with knowledge spiral and cultural creative industries for example. 本论文是藉由以人种志以及知识螺旋两种模式结合而成的顾客创新活动的模式,是以文化创意产业为例。
- Another netizen disagreed, saying this was a sort of creative industry and was merely a different type of start-up for the young. 也有人反驳称这属于创意产业的一种,是年轻人创业的新思路。
- This course - Master of Letters in Managing in the Creative Industries is designed for those students who wish to continue their interest in the cultural and cre... 本课程-硕士信函在管理中的创意产业是专门为那些学生谁愿意继续其在文化及创意产业。
- This NBIA Forum discussion will focus on arts and creative industry incubators in the United Kingdom and the United States. 本次北美孵化器论坛将聚焦在英国和美国的技术创造性的孵化器。
- There is now a significant body of literature on creative industries. 现在有许多关于创新行业的重要文学作品。
- Only a year away, Shaoguan keyi creative industries co., Ltd. was established. 仅一年之隔,韶关科艺创意工业有限公司成立。