- cultivated high densely 密植
- High densely arranged biology sample carrier was obtained by integrating prepared porous glass powder and cavity array substrate. 将制备得到的孔径可调多孔玻璃和空穴孔阵玻璃基板进行复合,获得高密度排列的生物样本载体材料。
- The test trial proves the efficiency of ASBR processing the high densely starch wastewater, and cultivation the granular sludge successfully. 着重介绍ASBR中试装置的工艺流程,设备组成及控制系统构成。
- China silk carpets, especially the high densely knotted silk tapestries which took several years' work to make, were very welcomed by collectors and they were called “Soft Gold”. 故而中国手工真丝地毯,特别是高道数,精细的,数年方可完成的真丝挂毯倍受收藏人士的青睐,被世人称为“软黄金”。
- Traditional pharmaceutical education hamper harmfully cultivating high quality students. 传统的药学教育模式严重影响高素质药学人才的培养。
- With the cultivated method, the ginseng is den densely planted in rest bateraised beds. 采用(人工)培育的方法,在高位栽培床上就要密集地种植人参。
- Abstract: We can achieve goal of building innovatory country and socialism well-to-do society by cultivating high quality and innovatory talents. 文章摘要: 培养高素质、创新型人才是实现创新型国家、建立社会主义小康社会的根本大计。
- We can achieve goal of building innovatory country and socialism well-to-do society by cultivating high quality and innovatory talents. 摘要培养高素质、创新型人才是实现创新型国家、建立社会主义小康社会的根本大计。
- The study shows that the self-compacting high performance concrete members have high denseness, fine appearance without honeycomb and scale, better crack resistance and ductility. 研究表明,该方法成型的自密实高性能混凝土构件无蜂窝麻面、密实性好,具有更优越的抗裂性能和延性,构件和实梁的受弯、剪性能均与振捣成型的混凝土构件相近;
- University is an academic institution which undertakes academic research, cultivates high level talents, and engages in cultural transmission and innovation. 摘要大学是以学术为本,以研究高深学问、培养高级人才、从事文化传承和创新为宗旨的学术组织。
- The are ship unloader, stacker reclaimer, heavy duty trailer, hot line lift car and pre-assembled transformer substa- tion, high dense fly-ash conveying system equipment. 公司主要产品有港口机械 、装卸机械、运输设备、环保产品和电气装备等五大类。
- To cultivate high quality medical students;the medical education should be reformed to adapt to new medical goals.Bilingually teaching has emerged in universities. 为了培养高素质的医学人才,医学教育必须改革,以适应新的医学目标,由此双语教学在我国高等医学院校中应运而生。
- The life and grade of steel ladle has been prolonged obviously.Because of the advantages on symmetrical inner lining,high dense material.The cost of material has been economized. 使用该设备后,明显提高了钢包的使用寿命和质量,钢包浇注壁质地均匀、致密度高,节约了耐材降低了成本。
- The land previously cultivated returned to forest. 以前开垦过的那片土地现在又成了森林了。
- The Jo plasma torus consists chiefly of high dense cold plasma a mechanism is thus needed for cold ions to enter Jupiter's atmosphere and trigger the emissions of Io's wake. 木卫-等离子体环主要由高密度的冷等离子体组成,因此还需要一个能使冷离子离开木卫-等离于体环进入木星大气层的机制,使它能够引发木卫-尾迹极光的发射。
- The coatings film will be dilatated when contacted to fire, forming a high dense and microporous fire proofing layer to prolong the fire retardant limit of steel structures. 由该涂料制得的涂层遇火发泡膨胀,形成具有一定厚度的密实微孔状阻燃层,从而提高了钢结构的耐火极限。
- She cultivated her mind by reading. 她以阅读来修身养性。
- Only one third of the land can be cultivated. 只有三分之一的土地可以耕种。
- The trees cultivated in such an area. 果树在这种地区种植的树
- Cultivating higher normal students’ problem consciousness is very senseful in realism. 高师学生问题意识的培养更具有重要的现实意义。