- Any of various climbing tropical American plants of the genus Philodendron, many of which are cultivated as houseplants. 喜林芋一种喜林芋属热带美洲攀附植物,许多都当作室内盆栽植物栽培
- any of several small palms of the genus Rhapis; cultivated as houseplants. 棕竹属植物;室内盆栽。
- evergreen perennial herbs of tropical America with lush foliage and poisonous sap; often cultivated as houseplants. 一个热带美洲多年生常绿草本植物属,树叶葱绿,具毒液;常作为室内植物种植。
- evergreen perennial herbs of tropical America with lush foliage and poisonous sap; often cultivated as houseplants 一个热带美洲多年生常绿草本植物属,树叶葱绿,具毒液;常作为室内植物种植
- large genus of often epiphytic evergreen tropical American plants often cultivated as houseplants 美洲热带常绿附生植物的一个大属,常作为室内植物种植
- large genus of often epiphytic evergreen tropical American plants often cultivated as houseplants. 美洲热带常绿附生植物的一个大属,常作为室内植物种植。
- extensively hybridized and cultivated as houseplants and important florists' flowers. 被广泛地杂交并作为家花栽培,受种花人喜爱。
- Usually cultivated as an ornamental in N China. 通常在N中国的栽培用于观赏。
- Widely cultivated as a shade tree. 广泛栽培作为一绿荫树。
- cultivated as houseplants 室内盆栽
- any of various plants of the genus Cymbidium having narrow leaves and a long drooping cluster of numerous showy and variously colored boat-shaped flowers; extensively hybridized and cultivated as houseplants and important florists'flowers 兰属的任何一种植物,叶狭、花序下垂,船形花、艳丽、颜色多样,被广泛地杂交并作为家花栽培,受种花人喜爱
- European vetch much cultivated as forage and cover crops. 欧洲的一种野豌豆,通常被用来制草料和覆盖作物。
- This taxon has been long cultivated as an important fruit tree. 这分类群是象一棵重要的果树一样栽培的的长。
- This species is often cultivated as an ornamental tree. 本种是通常栽培用于观赏的乔木。
- A perennial plant, such as the English daisy, cultivated as a biennial. 以两年生植物栽种的多年生植物,如英国雏菊
- Any of various grasses of the genus Festuca, often cultivated as pasturage. 羊茅任何一种常作牧草播种的羊茅属禾草
- A perennial plant,such as the English daisy,cultivated as a biennial. 所有一年生及二年生植物都是结果一次而后死去。
- This species has been cultivated as a grain crop in the uplands of Taiwan. 本种在台湾的高地象颖果庄稼一样栽培的。
- European mignonette cultivated as a source of yellow dye; naturalized in North America. 欧洲木犀草,黄染料的原料;已经引入美国。