- cubic spline curve 三次样条曲线
- Given a set of planar control vertexes, the algorithm can easily construct a G2 cubic a -B?ier spline curve. 这个算法,可以对给定的一组平面控制顶点,方便地构造一条G2三次a-B?ier样条曲线。
- Adds a spline curve to the current figure. 向当前图形添加一段样条曲线。
- In this paper,a generalized bootstrap method was proposed to estimate the yield curve for any available data sets of bond price with cubic spline interpolation method. 在一般息票剥离法(bootstrapmethod)的基础上进行了扩展:采用三次样条插值方法,可以对任意的国债报价数据进行即期收益率曲线估计。
- It first approx imates the discrete points by cubic spline and gets the first derivative of the given discrete points, then approximates the cubic spline by biarc curve. 先对离散点列用三次样条曲线插值,求出型值点的一阶导数,然后对三次样条曲线用双圆弧逼近。
- Cubic Spline Curves 三次样条曲线
- Fills the interior of a closed cardinal spline curve defined by an array of. 结构数组定义的闭合基数样条曲线的内部。
- A B-spline curve allows local control over the shape of a spline curve. (B样条曲线允许局部控制曲线的形状。)
- Cubic spline interpolant in power exponent form was introduced, and its existence under the first boundary condition was proved. 摘要本文给出了三次样条插值函数的指数形式;在第一类边界条件下,证明了其存在性。
- By means of both the cubic spline functions in the toolbox of MATLAB and the ordinary polynomial interpolation func... 同时也得出了极坐标下的三次样条远优于直角坐标下的多项式.
- Cubic splines need at least 5 points. 三次曲线样条至少需要 5 个点。
- The geometric continuity of cubic a -B?ier curves is discussed, and algorithm of constructing planar G2 cubic a -B?ier spline curves is presented. 对三次曲线的几何连续拼接问题做了研究。 给出了构造平面G2组合三次a-B?ier曲线的几何算法。
- So it adopt cubic spline functio n to structure die cavity outline in this article ,the model points may be surve yed on die cavity surface . 因此,这里采用三次样条函数拟合曲线构造模具型腔廓线,其型值点由已有模具型腔测得。
- cubic trigonometric polynomial spline curve 三次三角多项式样条曲线
- Linear interpolation, non-linear interpolation and cubic spline interpolation were used to obtain corrected sinogram image. 然后用线性插值、非线性插值和三次样条插值来对伪影弦图进行处理,得到矫正的弦图。
- Conclusions.A mathematical model of the sagittal spine that retains the spine's segmental nuances was derived using cubic spline interpolation. 结论.;通过立方垂直插入的方式,我们获得了保留有椎体节段特点的矢状椎体的数学模型。
- A cardinal spline curve is used because the curve travels through each of the points in the array. 由于曲线经过数组中的每个点,因此使用基数样条曲线。
- The curves was got by cubic spline interpolant function and the result ofnew method was compared other common parametric methods. 用这种参数做曲线插值时,可为实际应用带来很大的方便。
- In this paper, an algorithm for constructing rational spline curve, which was tangent to the given polygon, was described. 摘要描述了一种与给定多边形相切的有理样条曲线的算法。
- A piece of quartic spline curve was constructed and the same analysis was applied to it as well for comparison. 给出一个拐角重构实例,插补构建的曲线,并分别分析了插补输出的速度、加速度及加加速度。