- Used as a hunting cry to urge hounds after a fox. 唷克斯常用作打猎的喊叫声以催促猎狗追赶狐狸
- In the dreams, sometimes you cry to be panic. 梦中,时或喊而恐慌。
- To paint on floods till the share cry to th'air. 我把画绘在海上,海岸也为我仰天哭泣。
- You ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? 你是否听到狼对著皎洁的月光发出的吼叫声?
- Two kids cry to shout despairingly! 两个孩子绝望的哭喊!
- TaiXi long nose, cry to mask the hard livelihood. 长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。
- Do not cry to represent adamancy? 是不是不哭就代表坚强呢?
- He cried to heaven for vengeance. 他哭求老天为他雪耻。
- Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue cored moon? 你听说过野狼对着蓝色月亮嚎叫哭泣吗?
- I took an Orphean name to cry to it " flight music shoe " . 我给它取了一个好听的名字叫“飞行音乐鞋”。
- The cries to Jesus became a solid shriek. 医生临终前的祈祷化成了令人毛骨悚然的尖叫。
- The stock in the barn cried to her hungrily. 牲口棚里的牲口饿得朝她嗷嗷叫。
- They cried to high heaven for a timely rainfall. 他们喊声震天乞求及时雨。
- So many seem so lonely with no one left to cry to baby! 人们似乎是孤独的,当他们再也不对心爱的人哭泣时!
- The starving people cried to their chief for bread. 那些饥饿的人向他们的首领喊着要面包。
- Have you ever hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? 你没有听到过蓝色月光下野狼的哭嗥?
- The girl stoped crying to listen to the music. 那女孩儿停止哭泣开始听音乐。
- Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? 听过野狼对圆月哀啸?
- The baby was crying to beat the band. 婴儿大声啼哭。
- Rather smile to shed tears also don't cry to say penitence! 宁愿笑着流泪,也不哭着说后悔!