- Both the brothers cried their hearts out on hearing of their father's death. 听到父亲的死讯,他兄弟二人痛哭流涕。
- cry their heart outvi. 号啕痛哭
- cried their heart outv. 号啕痛哭
- The birds are singing their hearts out. 鸟在欢快地歌唱。
- He taught actors to pour their hearts out. 他教导演员要掏心挖肺地演出真感情。
- The children were singing their hearts out on the stage. 孩子们在舞台上放声歌唱。
- The construction of the largest and most magnificent palace was very difficult at that time, and the protection and maintenance alone during the past 500 years has been very difficult too, requiring numerous designers and builders to work their heart out. 这个迄今最完整、规模最大且雄伟壮丽的古代宫廷建筑群,莫说在当年动工兴建时实属不易,就是这500多年来的维修保护工程,也不知耗费了多少能工巧匠们的心血和殚精竭虑的努力。
- Sometimes you'll run into people who can't wait to pour their hearts out to you. 有时你会碰到迫不及待向你倾诉心声的人。
- They winnow down the competitors to a select group of semifinalists who sing their hearts out each week for a studio audience and television viewers. 每一周,他们筛选出竞争者晋级下一轮比赛,这些晋级者对电台和电视观众唱出了心声。
- The oaks are still leafless, but daffodils are out everywhere, the gorse is spattered with yellow blossoms, and the tits and thrushes are singing their hearts out. 橡树的新叶还未长出,遍地的黄水仙却开得十分灿烂,嫩黄的荆豆花四处招摇,山雀和画眉鸟清脆地鸣叫。
- Peddlers cry their wares in the street. 小贩们在街上叫卖他们的货物。
- Peddlers cry their wares in the street . 小贩们在街上叫卖他们的货物。
- She knelt down beside him and began to cry her heart out. 她在他身旁跪下,放声痛哭。
- "I sometimes get these letters that are ten pages, and handwritten, from women pouring their hearts out and, for security reasons, I can only respond with a headshot and 'Dear so and so, be good. 有时候吧,一封信有十页这么长,还女粉丝掏心掏肺手写的。出于安全考虑,我只能回个大头照,然后‘亲爱的某某,此致敬礼。
- She's been eating her heart out ever since her fiance broke off their engagement last month. 自从未婚夫在上个月毁掉婚约之后,她就一直感到极度的忧伤悲痛。
- The public took me to their heart, right from the first. 公众从一开始就热情地接受了我。
- Since he left, she's been sitting at home eating her heart out. 他走了以後,她一直坐在家里,心如刀割。
- The noise struck terror into their hearts. 那声音使他们心里产生恐惧。
- How long has this girl been sobbing her heart out? 这女孩伤心地哭了多长时间了?
- His words aroused no echo in their hearts. 他的话未能在他们心中引起共鸣。