- cry between the words; begin to cry as one was speaking; weep out 边哭边说
- Draw a line between the words and pictures. 用线连接单词与图。
- It is pointed out that there is a far cry between the calculated demagnetizing factor and the value listed in the teaching book. 指出按公式计算的退磁因子与教材中列举的数值相差较大。
- The word or set of words that serves as a link between the subject and predicate of a proposition. 联项在一个命题的主项和谓项间起联系作用的词或词组
- Please pay attention to the difference between the two words. 请注意这两个词之间的区别。
- Punctuation, in short, gives us the human voice, and all the meanings that lie between the words. 简言之,标点给我们传来话音,传来字里行间的全部含义。 “你不小了,是吧?”
- The river had worn a ravine between the hills. 那条河在两山之间已造成一个深谷。
- These were the words that measured the distance between the two sisters and their brothers. 就是这些话把他们姐弟之间的差距显示了出来。
- Note that there must be no spaces between the words defaults, noauto, ro in the fourth field. 注意在第四部分的”defaults,noauto,ro”中,词之间不能有任何空格。
- Bob often stirs up a fight between the two boys. 鲍勃经常煽动这两个孩子打架。
- Although the words are very obscure, but between the lines but I have extraordinary significance. 虽然,是很不起眼的几个字,但字里行间却对我有着非凡的意义。
- It is difficult to decide between the two opinions. 在这两种意见之间抉择是困难的。
- There is a palisade between the two yards. 两个院子中间有一道篱笆。
- I listen to the space between the words others speak. I live in the silence where knowing dwells. I make room for life by creating stillness. 我聆听他人话语之间的空白。我保持沉默,做到心照不宣。我保持静默,给生命以空间。
- There is great animosity between the two classes. 这两个阶级之间有很深的仇恨。
- I see parallels between the two cases. 我看这两种情况有相似处。
- Perhaps too much advance between the earth and I are kind of moving with people, even if only a trace of the words will touch my heartstrings! 也许尘世间的烦忧太多,而我又是属于那种随性而动的人,那怕只有一丝一语都会触动到我的心弦!
- Common tastes form a bond between the two men. 共同的爱好使两人结交为朋友。
- The horse stood between the shafts of the carriage. 马站在大车车辕中间。
- And this time, the telephone Natou Gao Shu-min talk about the new season, the words between the heavy, still full of hope for the future. 而此时,电话那头的郜树敏谈及新赛季的时候,言语之间的沉重之后,还是对未来的充满希望。