- crustal deformation movement 地壳形变
- The tectonic movement that occurred since the Neogene has been the major developmental and evolutional stage of the latest global crustal deformation and orogenic movement. 新近纪以来的构造运动是全球最新的地壳形变和造山运动的发展演化阶段。
- We have discussed the basic theory of coupling movement between the crustal deformation and density change,and studied the gravity change with time raised by this coupling movement. 本文阐述了地壳形变与密度变化耦合运动的基本理论;分析了地壳形变与密度变化耦合运动引起的重力时间变化.
- The crustal deformation reveals that the seismogenic body has accumulated higher stain potential energy under compression. 地壳的形变和应变揭示出孕震体在挤压状态下积累了较高的应变势能。
- Crustal deformation observation includes observations of horizontal deformation,vertical deformation,and ground tilting. 地壳形变观测应包括水平形变、垂直形变和倾斜形变观测。
- Yu, S.B., L.C.Kuo, R.S.Punongbayan and E.G.Ramos (1999) GPS observation of crustal deformation in the Taiwan-Luzon region: Geopys.Res.Lett. 结合地理资讯系统和地震危险度分析软体,从事嘉南地区地震危险度微分区研究,经使用新的震源分区,并考虑}对强地动的效应,已获得初步的微分区图。
- Variations of gravity field in this area may be caused by crustal deformation, quality transition in deep crust and fault creep. 重力变化可能是由该区地壳形变、地壳深部质量迁移和断层蠕动共同作用引起的。
- While, their influences are systematic, which needs a special attention when GPS results are applied to crustal deformation analysis. 同时,相对于原模型、方法、框架,其影响也可能是系统性的,在将GPS定位结果应用于地壳形变分析时尤为值得关注。
- Data of sea level changes corrected for the influences of periodic and non-geriodic fac tors show relative crustal deformation in the areas of tide gause stations. 通过消除对海平面资料主要周期和非周期因素的影响,订正海平面表征了验潮站地区相对的地形变信息。
- Japan's earthquake forecasting program, which monitors factors such as seismic activity and crustal deformation, may eventually watch tidal activity as well. 日本的这项监测地震活动与地壳变动的地震预报计画,最后可能也会开始观察潮汐的活动。
- The rupture surface is to NNE, similar to gradient belt of focal depth, gradient belt of crustal deformation, isoseisms and extended direction of earthquakes. 伽师强震群的破裂断层面为北东向,与震源深度梯度变化带、地壳接触变形梯度变化带、等烈度线以及地震扩展方向吻合;
- Yu, S. B., Kuo, L. C., Punongbayan, R. S., Ramos, E. G., 1999. GPS observation of crustal deformation in the Taiwan-Luzon region. Geo. Res. Lett, 26, 923-926. 蔡旻倩,2004.;台湾西南部GPS资料时间序列分析与地壳变形模式研究,国立中央大学地球物理研究所硕士论文。
- The interference factors of crustal deformation data are varied, therefore, it is difficult to distinguish between earthquake precursors and disturbances. 摘要地形变观测资料中干扰因素较多,而地震前兆与干扰往往不易区分。
- The method of Auto-Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) will be the main development way for common fixed-point crustal deformation monitoring of cross-faults. 全自动激光测量方法(EDM)将是常规的跨断层定点地壳形变监测技术主要的发展方向。
- Yu, S.B., L.C.Kuo, R.S.Punongbayan and E.G.Ramos (1999) GPS observation of crustal deformation in the Taiwan-Luzon region: Geopys.Res.Lett., 26(7), 923-926. 结合地理资讯系统和地震危险度分析软体,从事嘉南地区地震危险度微分区研究,经使用新的震源分区,并考虑}对强地动的效应,已获得初步的微分区图。
- As there are relatively few observed points in crustal deformation monitoring, it is hard to deduct the deformation of the unobserved points correctly with conventional methods. 摘要由于地壳形变监测中观测点相对较少,用常规方法很难准确推求那些未经观测但又需要关注的点的变形量。
- The present-day crustal deformation in the northeast China is studied with GPS data of 37 stations during 1997-2005. The velocities related to Eurasia is generally small, 1.58 mm/a on average, it is showing that the region is generally stable. 利用东北地区37个GPS测站1997~2005年的观测数据研究了该区现今地壳形变特征。 结果显示:东北地区相对欧亚板块的位移速率矢量较小;平均为1.;58mm/a;表明该区总体上比较稳定;
- We have studied synthetically the tectonic stress field in the Three Gorges and its adjacent area by use of data of crustal deformation, focal mechanism and borehole stress observation. 摘要利用地形变测量、震源机制和钻孔应力测量等资料,综合研究了三峡及邻区的构造应力场。
- In this paper a description is made on the measure of tsunami magnitude, which must include the size of tsunami source, and a direct relation of tsunami magnitude at itc source with the extent and pattern of crustal deformation. 海啸大小的量度应包括关于海啸“源”处大小的描述,“源”处海啸的大小与地壳形变规模和方式有着直接的关系。
- But the differences of deformation in the South America plate based on these two models are very significant for contemporary crustal deformation measurement in mm/a accuracy,which shows present_day motion characteristic of the South America plate. 并基于空间大地测量资料 ,确立独立于任何板块运动模型约束和假设的南美板块欧拉参数 ,分析了现今南美板块的运动和活动形变