- Questions about Geology or Geophysics? 关于地质学或地球物理学,有什么问题吗?
- Questions about geophysics or astronomy? 关于地球物理学和天文学有什么问题吗?
- Geophysics makes the world go round. 地球物理令世界去轮。
- Whose sister studys geophysics ? 谁的姐妹学地球物理?
- Geophysics is an important branch of earth science. 地球物理学是地球科学的重要学科。
- It falls within the conceptional framework of geophysics. 它在概念体制上隶属地球物理。
- Continental lower crustal flow:channel flow or laminar flow? 大陆下地壳流动:渠流还是层流?
- Crustal movement is very active on the continental slope. 大陆坡是地壳活动十分活跃的部位。
- Geophysics is most commonly employed as a surface mapping method. 地球物理勘探是一种最常用的地面测绘方法。
- Deep events occur in places other than where crustal plates meet. 深层地震没有发生在两个板块交接处。
- I'm afraid geophysics is rather a closed book to me. 我对地球物理学一窍不通。
- It gives the scientific voice way of horizontal crustal stress by gravity. 给出了重力所致水平地应力的科学表达方式。
- Karst cave probing is a very important task in engineering geophysics. 摘要在工程地球物理中,溶洞探测是一项非常重要的任务。
- Earth sciences Geophysics Geology Mineralogy Geology-Organizations, etc. 地球科学地球物理学地质学组织。
- The methods of environmental geophysics were prospected in the future. 对环境地球物理方法在环境领域的应用进行了展望。
- The geodimeter measurements executed in April also disclosed very rapid and complicated horizontal crustal movements. 四月份进行的光电测距仪测量也揭示水平地壳运动是非常快而复杂的。
- So the crustal stability of NorthwestYunnan is determined dominatingly by the active fault and seism. 因此发现该区地壳稳定性主要受活动断裂和地震这两类因素的控制。
- Parkinson W D. Directions of rapid geomagnetic fluctuations[J]. Geophys JR astr Soc,1959,2:1-14. 曾小苹等;地磁方法预报灾害(联合国地磁方法研讨会专用教材);1998年.
- Well logging transcends the boundaries ordinarily established between geology, geophysics, and petroleum engineering. 测井超越了通常在地质、地球物理和石油工程中划定的界线。
- Basin floors generated at different times will exhibit a hierarchical sequence of crustal structure and epeirogenic behaviour. 不同时期生成的盆地底板,将显示地壳构造的等级次序和造陆性质。