- All his hopes began to crumble away. 他所有的希望开始化为泡影。
- We think they crumble away and disappear. 我们认为他们崩溃离开而且消失。
- The old wall is crumbling away at the edges. 那道古墙的边缘逐渐崩塌。
- Watch our souls fade away.Let our bodies crumble away .Don't be afraid .I will take cold for you.. 我们的灵魂会消散,我们的身体会消亡,不要感到害怕,我会一直在你身旁。
- Tried to a vailroad.You'll have to set us free.Watch our souls fade away.Let our bodies crumble away . 厌倦了奔波,天哪,让我们解脱吧,任灵魂消逝,由身体挎塌。
- The cliff crumbled away into the sea. 岩崖逐渐风化碎落海中。
- The old wall was crumbling away at the edges. 老墙的边缘正在剥落中。
- The opposition to the plan crumbled away. 对这个计划的反对意见逐渐消失了。
- The cliff is gradually crumbling away. 峭壁正在逐渐崩坍。
- Left to silently crumble away, this church is just one of innumerable artifacts that must compete for restoration in a country that is literally littered with priceless works of art. 这座教堂已经任其荒废了,在一个几乎被无价的艺术品充满的国度里,它只是难以计数的艺术品之一。
- These stone temples are crumbling away after 3,000 years. 这些石庙经过了3,000年的风风雨雨,已经开始碎裂了。
- The crumbling away of prejudices and errors causes light. 邪说和谬见的崩溃造成了光明。
- As I watched, horrified, I could feel my sanity crumbling away. 我一边恐惧的看着,一边感觉到我的神志一点一点的崩溃。
- End of the dictatorship. A whole European system crumbled away. 独裁制度告终。欧洲一整套体系垮了。
- The British Empire has been crumbling away since the last world war. 自从上次世界大战之后,大英帝国就已日趋衰败。
- With the help of the PLA men,the old building crumbled away into dust. 在解放军战士的帮助下,这座旧楼化为尘土。
- With the help of the PLA men, the old building crumbled away into dust. 在解放军战士的帮助下,这座旧楼化为尘土。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。
- The bride was given away by her father. 由父亲把新娘交与新郎。
- The sea had eaten away much of the shore. 海浪对海岸侵蚀得厉害。