- Golden dreams are damaged by cruel reality. 金色的梦想被残酷的现实所摧毁。
- My thought struggled at the cruel reality, somehow hesitation but flinching. 我在残酷的现实中挣扎,虽会犹豫但绝不退缩。
- For affection is very vulnerable and can't hold her lasting power of life before the cruel reality. 因为在残酷的现实面前,爱情是很脆弱的,并且不能持守她长久的生命力。
- The biblical promise (dying-into-immortality) and cruel reality of death conflictingly and harmoniously exist in her poems. 对宗教上承诺的"死亡实现完美"的向往和对死亡的现实恐惧矛盾地统一在她的诗中,诗歌语言表达到自如表演的境界。
- Originally, it was a beautiful story. However, the cruel reality makes it a regret. 最初,那是一个美丽的故事;然而,残酷的现实把它变成遗憾。
- And I wondered if we, citizens in the rich world, hadn’t already steeled ourselves to this cruel reality. 而我想知道,我们,生活在富裕世界的公民们是否还没有在这样残酷的现实面前铁石心肠。
- In the face of the cruel reality, it is very weak, but to bow to the reality of how it is unwilling. 在残酷的现实面前,它是多么的微弱,但屈服于现实它又是多么的不甘。
- The wedding music from afar brought Daiyu back to cruel reality and she burnt the silk handkerchief that had been the token of her love with Baoyu. 远处传来宝玉与宝钗婚礼的鼓乐声,黛玉回到了残酷的现实--愤然焚烧"丝帕",
- The cruel reality of the capital market, allow you rich overnight, and you can instantly become nothing, and even pull off a life of the last chord. 资本市场现实而残酷,能让你一夜暴富,也能让你瞬间变得一无所有,甚至拉断人生中最后的一根弦。
- As China of the developing country, in the face of cruel reality and good opportunity, How to agitate in the tide of new-type economy? 作为发展中国家的中国,面对残酷的现实和良好的机遇,如何在新型经济的浪潮中激荡?
- With royal blood yet rough experience, he formed a hippish attitude towards life and a twisted idea of women .He is a vaguely moral character who is obliged to act by the cruel reality. 哈姆莱特高贵显赫的出身和现实人生的磨难,使他认识到理想与现实的冲突,从而导致了他忧郁矛盾的性格,身不由己的行动,对女性的误解,以及善恶兼备的道德取向。
- The fairy tale of the mermaid was an inerasable childhood memory.But the beautiful imagination was smashed by the cruel reality on the road of growing up which was full of frustrations. 美人鱼的童话是无法抹去的儿时记忆,伴随着成长的坎坷经历,这美好的想象也被残酷的现实击的粉碎。
- In the past two or three years, the precipitous, cruel reality around us has become the main theme of our lives.How can the world become so absurd, and where on earth will it drive people to? 这两三年以来,是这些险峻而残酷的现实充斥在我们的生活中,成为我们生活的主旋律,这世界怎会荒诞到如此境地,这究竟要把人逼向哪里?
- The cruel landlord would bate him no rent. 那个狠心的地主不肯给他减租。
- In face of cruel realities, he recognized the essence of imperialism.At last, he gone to the way of thoroughly resisting imperialism and abrogating all unequal treaties. 血的事实使他认清了帝国主义的本质,孙中山终于走上了彻底反抗帝国主义、废除一切不平等条约的道路。
- The cruel master beat his slaves with a whip. 残酷的主人鞭打他的奴隶。
- Life's primordial reality is spirit. 生命的根本真实性是精神。
- One's school life seems happier in retrospect than in reality. 人们的学校生活回想起来要比实际上的快乐。
- It's cruel to make fun of a blind man. 取笑一个瞎子是残忍的。
- Get the stardust out of your eyes and face reality. 抛弃天真的想法而面对现实。