- The Library Reference section on the new module. 库参考中关于new模块部分。
- It is not permitted to delete a master cross reference. 不允许删除一个主控交叉参照。
- Fortran Analytical Cross reference Tabulation System, FORTRAN. 分析交叉引用制表系统。
- Please refer to the Reference section to find the links to those resources. 请参阅参考资料部分获取这些资源的更多链接。
- The cross reference for the specified naming context could not be found. 找不到指定的命名上下文的互交参考。
- A dagger is a character used indicate a cross reference or a footnote. 剑号是一个符号,用来指明对照或脚注。
- The other buttons are not used that often and are described in the reference section at the end of the book. 其他的按钮不那么常用,所以在本书末尾参考一节中描述。
- For information on how variables behave, see the Variables entry in the Language Reference section of the manual. 有关变量行为方式的信息请查看本手册语言参考部分的变量条目。
- F1 Help topics can also be found in the Technical Reference section of the documentation set. F1帮助主题还可以在文档集的“技术参考”一节中找到。
- Determine target competitors and assure the availability of cross reference information and related prices. 确定主要竞争对手,并保证调查的相关信息和价格的可行性。
- The appropriate relationships of Poetry and Painting are complementary, infiltration, and cross reference. 诗和画的关系应该是相互补充、相互渗透、相互借鉴的关系。
- For information about the pixel shader reference section, see the Pixel Shader 1_X. 更多关于象素着色器的参考章节,请查看象素着色器_1_X。
- Table 1 is a cross reference of some available frits showing where you can substitute among different brands. 表一列出的是成份相同的溶块,但由于生产商不同,故牌子、名称各异;不过,它们可互相替代使用。
- We will attempt to avoid duplication by appropriate cross references. 将用适当的前后对照的方法来避免重复。
- Includes a complete programming reference section for Report Definition Language and the Web service managed reference documentation. 包括有关报表定义语言的完整编程参考章节以及Web服务管理参考文档。
- Help topics for the Exchange Management Shell can be found in the Technical Reference section of the section of the documentation set. Exchange命令行管理程序的帮助主题可以在文档集部分的“技术参考”一节找到。
- Cross reference of The Unjust Case of Dou E and the Yuan Dynasty legal data and combination of narration and commentary are used in the discussion. 在方法论上,本文拟以《窦娥冤》文本与元代法律资料相互释证以及叙述与评论结合的方法展开论述。
- The remote create cross reference operation failed on the Domain naming Master FSMO. The operation's error is in the extended data. 在域命名主FSMO上的远程创建交叉引用的操作失败。操作的错误在扩展数据中。
- This feature is no longer necessary since intrinsic objects cannot have expando properties, and the properties for each object are listed in the reference section. 由于内部对象不能具有expando属性,因此不再需要此功能,而每个对象的属性则列在参考部分。
- The personal data you provide in this form may be disclosed to other government departments for cross reference purpose as necessary. 在本表格提供的个人资料或会在有需要时向其他政府部门披露;以供相互参照.