- She blushed to her hair line and her humiliation was complete. 她的脸顿时涨得通红,心里感到莫大的侮辱。
- His helmet was off and his forehead was bleeding below the hair line. 他的钢盔已经掉了,他额上头发的边沿上在流血。
- I can see my target in the cross hairs. 我可以看到我的目标在十字路口。
- Suffering from excessive internal heat, he got red spots around his hair line. 由于上火,他的发际上长了很多红痘。
- He waited for the coincidence of the target and the cross hairs. 他等待着目标和十字准星的重合。
- Though we are new and not big factory , we have the experienced staffs in the hair line and good manage for the mass production. 虽然我们是新的,而不是大工厂,我们有经验丰富的工作人员在发线和良好管理的大规模生产。
- The gnats are drive-glows of starfighters. The shining hair lines are light-scatter from turbo laser bolts powerful enough to vaporize a small town. The planetoids are capital ships. 原来,那些细小物体是星际战斗机那灼热发光的引擎,那些闪耀的细线是散布的足以把一座城镇化为灰烬的涡轮激光炮,而那些小行星则是巨型战舰。
- The PLA has got graduates in its cross hairs, as it looks to develop a more modern, better-educated military. 头发修剪整齐的人民解放军获得了毕业证书,看上去像发展和建立一个受过良好教育的军队。
- As his head, shoulder, and flanks appear in the cross hairs, I squeeze the trigger. 当它的头部,肩膀还有腹部出现在交叉瞄准线上,我扣动了扳机。
- The sound beam is even equipped with a viewfinder so the operator can precisely target the audio by finding a person in cross hairs. 这个声音柱甚至装备了一个秒转器,所以操作者能在杂乱的人群中将声音准确的定位目标。
- Horse tail hair lining cloth is used as chest lining in making of business suit (lady's and man's znongshan suits, overcoats, parka etc. 马尾毛衬布可用于制造男女西装,时装,大衣之里衬等。
- Use your mobile keypad or joystick to control the cross hairs of your gun and press 5 / joystick to shoot down the enemy. 用你的手机键盘或操纵杆控制你的枪和交叉头发按5/操纵杆以击落敌人。
- Our competitors tend to put the cross hairs on where we are now, and by the time they come up with a product that tries to match where we are now, we're beyond them. 翻译:我们的竞争对手总是只顾眼前利益;目光短浅.;当他们终于发布出能够赶上我们的产品时;我们早已远远领先
- Simply put, Project Reality's weapons have no cross hairs because cross hairs are an unrealistic feature, and generally do not suit the type of play found in the mod. 在现实生活中,半自动模式是很多武器所推荐的射击模式,而且在游戏中,半自动模式的表现也更好。
- A cursor (also called a puck) is similar to a mouse, except that it has a window with cross hairs for pinpoint placement, and it can have as many as 16 buttons. 甲光标(也称为球)类似于鼠标,但它有一个窗口跨毛发的精确位置,并可以有多达16个按钮。
- She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor. 她的头发是在美容院做的。
- He slicks his hair down with oil every day. 他每天搽油把头梳得光溜溜的。
- She had her hair bound up in a neckerchief. 她把头发用围巾包起来。
- Between ourselves, that young man's hair is much too long. 就咱俩之间说说,那小伙子的头发实在是太长了。
- It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways. 不朝两边看看就穿马路是莽撞的。