- Here, they voted to cross over to what became the state of Oregon. 在那里,他们投票决定跨过河流,到达后来成为俄勒冈州的地方。
- At last she summoned sufficient courage to cross over the road. 最后,她鼓起勇气穿过街。
- cross to cross over 交叉跨越
- They have the fate to cross over the pass of anguish, the Golgotha of tears. 他们的命运是去越过痛苦-眼泪的各各他。
- Another section lurking in the anti-Japanese camp would also like to cross over. 再一部分资本家,躲在抗日阵线内的,也想跑去。
- It was a one-saided agreement: he got the right of way over my land but I was still forbidden to cross over his fields. 这是一份于单方面有利的协议:他有从我地里走过的权利,而我仍然不被允许从他的地里穿过。
- The minister has threatened to cross over to the other side if the government refuses to accept his decision. 那位部长威胁说, 如果政府拒绝他的决定, 他就改而加入反对派。
- It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways. 不朝两边看看就穿马路是莽撞的。
- Ishmael son of Nethaniah took them captive and set out to cross over to the Ammonites. 尼探雅的儿子以实玛利掳了他们,要往亚扪人那里去。
- I once saw rebirth plaques made by a mother who tried to cross over more than ten fetuses that she had aborted. 曾见过在超度牌位中,有同一个妈妈超度十几个未出生的胎儿,看得令人触目惊心,这身上有多少条生命呀!
- We must feel to our bones that to cross over this ridge, human beings were not the only ones who were mobilized. 必须越过这些山岭的感觉,要刻入我们的骨子里。人类不是唯一要被动员的。
- It was a one-sided agreement : he got the right of way over my land but I was still forbidden to cross over his fields. 这是一份与单方面有利的协议:他有从我地里走过的权利,而我仍然不被允许从他的地里穿过。
- Seeing a group of boys, I began to cross to the other side to avoid being beaten up. 我看到一群孩子,就马上走到马路的另一边,以避免挨打。
- Use the subway to cross the road. 请走地下通道穿越马路。
- When Jesus saw the crowd around him, he gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake. 耶稣见许多人围着他,就吩咐渡到那边去。
- Therefore, it is easy to cross over the line and get into trouble where a company does not have a clear and specific policy in this respect. 因此,是很容易越过的路线和吃苦头如果一家公司没有明确而具体的政策,在这方面。
- And when he wished to cross to Achaia, the brothers encouraged him and wrote to the disciples to welcome him. 他想要往亚该亚去,弟兄们就勉励他,并写信请门徒接待他(或作:弟兄们就写信劝门徒接待他)。
- I discovered that there was no way to cross over six lanes of swiftly moving traffic on foot without putting myself in danger. 我发现根本没有路可以步行穿过个车道的公路,公路上汽车快速穿行,非常危险。
- We gave a water melon to the Afghan guard and were allowed to cross to the Tajik side and back again. 给了一阿富汗警卫一个西瓜,允许我们越境去塔吉克那边,并再返回。
- They conceded us the right to cross their land. 他们容许我们在他们的土地上有过路权。