- Oooh can this bridge cross the ocean? 呜...这道桥梁是否能横跨海洋?
- Which bus could cross the ocean? 哪种公共汽车能穿过海洋?
- The ship crossed the ocean in several days. 几天后这艘船越过了大洋。
- The ship crossed the ocean in several days . 几天后这艘船越过了大洋。
- He is the guide that will help you to cross the ocean of samsara. 他是帮助你渡过生死轮回苦海的向导。
- Service is the ship by whichaone canz cross the ocean of Samsara. 服务是慈航。藉著它你便能横越生死轮?的海洋。
- Service is the ship by which one can cross the ocean of Samsara. 服务是慈航。借着它你便能横越生死轮回的海洋。
- My love for U don..t cross the ocean and care you, bit I love you. 我爱你美不.
- Young Columbus dream of cross the ocean someday to the great beyond. 年轻时的哥伦布梦想有一日渡过大洋到达远方的彼岸。
- Young Columbus dreamed of crossing the ocean someday to the great beyond. 年轻时的哥伦布梦想有一日渡过大洋到达远方的彼岸。
- I have crossed the oceans of time. To find you. 我穿越了时间的瀚海。来寻找你。
- It took them several days to cross the Atlantic Ocean. 他们花了好几天的时间穿越大西洋。
- Article VII: advocacy of such a freedom should make all human beings can cross the ocean on the high seas unhindered. 第七条规定:倡导这样一个自由,应使一切人类可以横渡公海大洋,不受阻碍。
- Would any sane person choose to cross the ocean in a boat barely capable of floating upon the sea? 任何心智健全的人会选择一条无能于泛波凌涛漏船横渡大洋吗?
- This creature lives in the depth of the ocean. 这种生物生活在海洋深处。
- It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways. 不朝两边看看就穿马路是莽撞的。
- Many of you can't seem to grasp why we'well-to-do'people from the other side of the world cross the ocean to help China. 很多人会觉得奇怪,为什么我们这些生活在大洋彼岸、在地球的另一边过得好好的人,要万里迢迢的跑到中国来,帮助你们?白求恩
- The ocean lanes are always busy. 远洋航路总是很繁忙。
- The ship plowed across the ocean. 轮船在大海上破浪前进。
- Some are devoted to the Vedas, some to Nigama, while others are enwrapt in Logic, but none knows the value of this mudra, which enables one to cross the ocean of existence. 一些人喜欢研究韦陀经典,然而有的人沉迷于逻辑,但一个人若了解此印的价值,将会使其超越有限。