- The old man manage to puff out a few words. 那老人好容易喘著气说出几句话。
- She managed to get out a few words of thanks. 她勉为其难地说出了几句道谢的话。
- The wounded soldier gasped out a few words. 那个受了伤的士兵上气不接下气地说了几句话。
- The old man managed to puff out a few words. 那老人好容易喘着气说出几句话。
- He blotted out a few words in his composition . 他在作文中涂掉了几个字。
- He rumbled out a few words and left the classroom. 他低声嘟囔了几句,离开了教室。
- He blotted out a few words in his composition. 他在作文中涂掉了几个字。
- He managed to puff out a few words. 他喘息着说出几句话。
- The old man gasped out a few words. 这个老人气喘吁吁地说了几句话。
- He managed to puff out a few words . 他喘息着说出几句话。
- I managed to get out a few words. 我尽力去说出一些话。
- The old man managed to wheeze out a few words. 老人勉强地喘息着说出了几句话。
- He breathed out a few words before he passed out. 他临死前,说了几个字。
- cross out a few words 涂掉几个字
- She read through her essay and struck out a few words here and there. 她将论文通读一遍,在一些地方删去了几个字。
- He stammered out a few words and then sat there in silence. 他结巴了几句话,然后就坐在那不吭声了。
- The old man coughed badly and wheezed out a few words. 那个老人咳嗽得厉害,气喘吁吁地说了几句话。
- She managed to gasp (out) a few words. 她喘著气好不容易才说出了几个字来。
- Trembling with shock, she managed to falter out a few words of thanks. 他惊恐的发抖,结结巴巴地说了几句表示感谢的话。
- She reads through her essay and strike out a few word here and there. 她将论文通读一遍,在一些地方删去了几个字。