- We'll tremble and cross our fingers," he said on his Internet site. 作为球迷,我们会非常激动,并且忠心祝他们好运。
- So when we cross our fingers, we stop the bad luck from escaping and allow our wishes to come true. 因此手指交叉可以避免坏运气跑出来作祟,这样我们的愿望才会得以实现。
- They're leaving for an international contest tomorrow. Let's cross our fingers for them. 他们明天动身去参加国际比赛,让我们祝愿他们比赛成功。
- So when we cross our fingers, we stip the bad luck from escaping and allow our wishes to come true. 因此手指交叉可以避免坏运气跑出来作祟,这样我们的愿望才会得以实现。
- "Then we will get into the mood in front of television. We'll tremble and cross our fingers," he said on his Internet site. 施罗德在他的个人网页上说,“接着我们就守在电视机前开球赛了,就可以进入角色了。作为球迷,我们会非常激动,并且忠心祝他们好运。”
- cross our fingersvi. 两指交叉以求好运
- We have all the facts and figures at our fingers. 我们已经掌握了所有的事实和数字。
- Our fingers bend at the knuckle. 我们的手指在指关节处弯曲。
- The bones of our fingers are articulated. 我们的手指骨由关节连接。
- Good luck!We'll keep our fingers crossed for you. 祝你好运!我们将为你祈祷。
- Remember we pricked our fingers, took a blood oath? |记得吗我们刺破手指 发的血誓?
- We CLAW with our finger nails for that inch. 我们的手指象爪子一样抓住每一英寸。
- We let the last chance of escape slip through our fingers. 我们错过了最後一次逃走的机会.
- Middle English knokel Our fingers bend at the knuckle. 我们的手指在指关节处弯曲。
- Every morning we wake to find time slipping through our fingers. 生命万花筒>在我们一大清早起来,日子在床边和墙身间的罅隙悄悄地溜走。
- Max Brogan:Think about it:Why did so many risk so much to cross our boundaries. 麦克斯布罗根:“思索下这件事:为什么这么多人冒着这么高的风险穿越我们的国境?”
- Every morning we wake up to find time slipping through our fingers. 每天醒来,总发现时间在床边和墙壁的罅隙悄悄地溜走。
- Let's just keep our fingers crossed that he is not too bad. 让我们祝愿祷告, 希望他不是太坏就好。
- Our fingers will curl in the positive direction of rotation. 我们的手指将收拢于正旋转方向。
- We snorkeled in the Indian Ocean and fed fish from our fingers. 曾攀登过大峡谷中的死火山;