- cross financial business 交叉性金融业务
- He has finally come to the top in the financial business. 他终于在金融界取得了成功。
- No. Of financial business license in P.R.C. 金融业务许可证号。
- He have finally come to the top in the financial business. 他终於在金融界取得了成功。
- Governments employ computers to process census data and to facilitate such financial business as collecting taxes. 政府使用计算机处理人口普查资料,简化税收财务。
- The complete financial system directly deals with foreign exchange settlement and international financial business. 漯河建立的完备的金融体系,可直接办理外汇结算和国际金融业务。
- The bank also will become Asia biometrics technologies in the field of financial business to pay the first bank. 农行也同时成为亚洲将生物识别技术应用于金融支付业务领域的第一家银行。
- Policy bank mainly engages in the financial business design atcd by the nation and govenment. 政策性银行主要从事国家和政府指定的金融业务。
- The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall revoke the license to conduct financial business and issue a public notice of the revocation. 由中国银行业监督管理委员会收回其许可证,并予以公告。
- At present, foreign funded banks and foreign funded financial companies are only allowed to do financial business in foreign currencies. 目前外资银行和外资财务公司在我国境内开展的业务仅限于外汇金融业务。
- If the applicant passes the check of the local institution dispatched by the CBRC, it shall fetch a financial business permit from the CBRC. 经所在地中国银监会派出机构验收合格后,申请人持验收合格意见书到中国银监会领取金融许可证。
- If it approves the establishment of a currency brokerage company, it shall issue to the applicant a financial business permit and make an announcement. 经批准设立的货币经纪公司由中国银行业监督管理委员会颁发金融许可证并予以公告;
- As the oldest usurious financial business in China, the pawnshop had its share in making a living of the populace and maintaining the social stability. 典当业是中国最古老的高利贷金融行业,它对维持平民生计和维护社会稳定有一定的作用。
- Despite the many scandals in world financial business,non-auditing service should not be held responsible for auditing failure. 尽管世界财务丑闻频繁发生,但并不意味着非审计服务是导致审计失败的罪魁祸首。
- It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways. 不朝两边看看就穿马路是莽撞的。
- If a representative office is engaged in financial business activities in violation of these Rules, it shall be punished by CIRC in line with relevant laws and regulations. 第三十六条违反本办法规定从事保险经营活动的,由中国保监会按照有关法律、法规的规定予以处罚;
- Cross and angry words in family grate upon the ear. 不高兴与生气的话在一个家庭里令人不愉快。
- If the application is approved, the applicant shall receive a written approval letter attached with a license to conduct financial business with the prescribed business scope. 决定核准开业的,书面通知申请人,颁发经营金融业务许可证,核准其业务范围。
- This is perhaps an important but often ignored dimension in which the matter should also be addressed, on top of the purely financial business considerations. 除了发展纯粹金融业务的考虑外,这可能是往往被忽略但又值得注视的一个重要考虑。
- A mule is a cross between a horse and an ass. 骡是马和驴交配而生的杂种。