- cross cutting machine 造材机
- Buying Automatic Paper Cup Rotary Die Cutting Machine. 澳大利亚求购自动切纸机。
- Boss must have been reincarnated from an paper cutting machine. 老板这辈子一定是碎纸机投胎。
- May: Food and Cultivated Systems Cross Cut Washington DC, USA (IFPRI). 5月:粮食与耕作系统综合会议,美国华盛顿特区(国际粮食政策研究所-IFPRI)。
- Blade-type Cutting Machine:cuts the wafers to set size , and the cutting direction changing to have longitudinal and cross will be done automatically. 刀片式切割机:可按预定尺寸准确切割威化饼片,纵横两向的切割转换自动完成。
- Those were cross cutting issues in the discussions, which may have to be placed under different headings. 这些都是讨论中的交叉问题,可能需要放在不同的标题下。
- CAD/CAE faces the cutter design of 9LRZ-80 rubbing and cutting machine. 将CAD/CAE应用于9LRZ-80秸秆揉切机切碎器的设计。
- HIV/AIDS is cross cutting issue in CP5. But there is also a special project on HIV/AIDS (PO2). 艾滋病问题在联合国人口基金第五周期国别方案中是一个跨项目的议题。此外,还设有一个专门的有关艾滋病的项目。
- It is an accessory connecting the cutting torch and the flame cutting machine. 机用朝炬夹持静是建接机用割炬与火焰切村机的附件。
- GILDEMEISTER is the leading manufacturer worldwide of cutting machine tools. 一、公司简介吉特迈集团是全球领先的切削机床制造商。
- That would enable the Development Agenda initiative to take up cross cutting issues and to have an influence over all WIPO activities and bodies. 这样发展议程倡议就能够处理一些关键问题,并影响整个WIPO机构及其活动。
- Sawblade for ripping and cross cutting of softwoods and hardwoods up to 50mm and single or multiple chipboard panels up to 60mm with good finish.Use on table saws. 用于切割各种塑料双贴面刨花板的预划槽,以消除贴面崩裂现象。锯片宽度从2.;8毫米可调到3
- Wash and cut large straw mushrooms into halves. Make a cross cut on the stalks of small ones. 草菇洗净,大粒折切开边,小粒的在菇脚鎅一十字。
- Sawblade for ripping and cross cutting with medium finish of softwoods and hardwoods up to 50 mm and sinigle or multiple chipboard panels up to 60 mm. 硬质合金通用圆锯片(纵切横截),锯片带交叉斜齿,适用于开条和横锯50毫米以下各种干燥软、硬木和厚度不超过60毫米的刨花板。
- Washcut large straw mushrooms into halves. Make a cross cut on the stalksof small ones. 草菇洗净,大粒折切开边,小粒的在菇脚鎅一十字。
- Cutting machines cut big pieces of metal into small pieces. 切割机器把大金属块切割成小金属块。
- When coupled to the high precision cutting machines, extremely. 机一起使用,极好的小孔切割质量是可以达到的。
- A client from Israel needs cutting machines to cut metals. 以色列客户求购切割机,用来切割金属。