- On Criminal Constitution In Sight of Criminal Rule of Law 刑事法治视野中的犯罪构成
- Public Wrath and Sentence in the Context of Criminal Rule of Law--Pondering at the Border between Criminal Law and Social Psychology 刑事法治语境中的民愤与审判--在刑事法学与社会心理学的边缘处思考
- Democracy is predicated upon the rule of law. 民主是以法制为基础的。
- Why Anti-interpretation in the Rule of Law? 法治为什么反对解释?
- The Rule of Law and Policy of Wind Power in U.S.A. 美国风力发电法规和政策。
- Development report of rule of law in China III. 中国法治发展报告2。
- Relationships often trump the rule of law. 关系往往凌驾于法律之上。
- We continued to combine rule of law with rule by virtue. 坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合。
- criminal rule of law 刑事法治
- The rule of law has kept our society open,fair and law abiding. 法治制度使我们的社会开放公平,市民奉公守法。
- The rule of law is the cornerstone of Hong Kong's success. 法治是香港成功的基础。
- Help the people understand the importance of the rule of law. 在全体人民中树立法制观念。
- The best way to unify the people is the rule of law. 一民之轨,莫如法。
- We will never permit the rule of law to be compromised. 我们维护法治,绝不妥协。
- But no country that practices the rule of law in the world today would tolerate illegal and criminal activities being carried out under the banner of religion. 当今世界,任何法治国家都不会容忍这类打着宗教旗号进行违法犯罪活动。
- In a state under the rule of law, the very beginning of legitimation of criminal law is protection of legal-good (in German: “Rechtsgut”). 摘要:在实质法治国里,法益保护是刑法正当性的起点,法益侵害是实质犯罪概念之首位且必要元素。
- They yield authoritative statements on rules of law. 它们对法律规则作了权威性陈述。
- We yearn for the Rule of Law, for its regulation and value. 法治以其合法规律性、价值性而为我们向往。
- When we were lost in chaos and rampage, you demanded rules of law. 我们因骚乱闹事而遭受损失;你们说应当有法治.
- The rule of law has kept our society open, fair and law abiding. 法治制度使我们的社会开放公平,市民奉公守法。