- criminal procedure law course 刑事诉讼法课程
- Keyword: Jurisdiction of criminal suit, Conflict,Criminal procedure law, Administration, Complete. 关键词:刑事诉讼管辖权,冲突,刑事诉讼法,管辖,完善
- Example study course of criminal procedure law 刑事诉讼法案例教程
- There exists the problem of "substantiality overweighing process" or "Result overweighing process" in Chinese Criminal Procedure Law. 摘要我国刑事诉讼法存在着“重实体,轻程序”和“重结果,轻过程”的问题。
- The classification and order of all evidences ruled in our country's criminal procedure law are short of logic and utility, which should be adjusted. 刑事诉讼法规定的各种证据的归类和排序存在缺乏逻辑性和实用性的问题,必须加以调整。
- But, expropriation punishment improving and perfecting needs corporal punishment and the Criminal Procedure Law common to move forward right away. 而没收财产刑的完善就需要刑法和刑事诉讼法的共同推进。
- The victim may institute a voluntary prosecution in a people's court in accordance with the relevant provisions of the criminal procedure law. 受害人可以依照刑事诉讼法的有关规定,向人民法院自诉;
- In our Criminal Procedure Law, there are some regulations about corroborating rule, while there are no operation regulations. 我国刑事诉讼法有关于证据补强的规定,但是缺乏操作性的规定。
- The amendment of PRC Criminal Procedure Law should be further in line with international practice,using the words presumption of innocence to expr... 我国刑诉法的修改应与国际通行表述接轨,采用"推定为无罪"或"视为无罪"等字眼准确表述、真正确立无罪推定原则,为人权保障提供坚实基础。
- Criminal retrial procedure is the special remedial procedure in criminal procedure law and the object of retrial is the court's executed verdict. 摘要刑事再审程序是刑事诉讼中的特殊救济程序,再审的对象是已经生效的法院裁判。
- In the 2003 Criminal Procedure Law amendment, medical literatures and CPGs are considered as exceptions of hearsay rules and can be used as evidence in the courts. 而随著刑事诉讼结构引进了传闻法则及其例外的规定,将学术著作及论文认定为传闻证据的例外。
- Rights guaranteed by the landmark Criminal Procedure Law of 1996, such as timely access to counsel and exculpatory evidence, are often denied or simply ignored. 例如及时获得律师援助和无罪证据获得后即时释放,这些权利都在1996年修改过的刑事诉讼法上有迹可寻,而事实上常常得不到,或者干脆被忽视。
- Legislators will amend the Civil Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law and the Lawyers Law, which sets qualifications for lawyers, according to the plan. 根据该计划,立法者将修改民事诉讼法、刑事诉讼法和规定律师资格律师法。
- Our country current criminal procedure law on the procedure law on the prosecuted's right to learn the truth is tint good perfect, it needs strengthening and improving. 我国现行的刑事诉讼法关于被追诉人知情权的规定尚存不足,需要强化并改进。
- The article 12 of PRC Criminal Procedure Law prescribes that "No person shall be found guilty without being judged as such by a People's Court according to the law". 摘要我国刑诉法第12条规定“未经法院依法判决,对任何人都不得确定有罪”,这种否定式表述只是禁止了有罪推定。
- The criminal procedure law in our country stipulates that the suspect has the duty to tell the truth in interrogation,which puts them in a disadvantageous situation. 我国刑诉法规定了犯罪嫌疑人面对审讯人员的审讯:"应当如实回答"的义务,使其在刑事诉讼中处于不利的地位。
- Additionally, there are over one hundred students of LLD and LLM whose major are criminal procedural law. 此外,还有百余名正在就读的刑事诉讼法学专业的博士研究生和硕士研究生。
- On this foundation, several lawmaking suggsetions about modification of the criminal procedural procedural law in retry procedure are put forward. 在此基础上,提出了修改刑事诉讼法再审程序的多条立法建议。
- Both civil procedure law, and criminal procedure law are procedural laws. 民事诉讼法和刑事诉讼法都属于程序法。
- China's criminal procedural law regulates three kinds of appeal,which are investigated appeal,prosecuted appeal and judgment appeal. 我国现行刑事诉讼法中规定了侦查申诉、不起诉申诉、生效判决裁定申诉等三种申诉。