- non-standard criminal procedural act 不规范刑事诉讼行为
- Under the 1996 amendment of the Criminal Procedure Act, principles of presumption of innocence and in dubio pro reo have been established. 随着1996年刑诉法的修改,疑罪从无原则已经在我国法律中确立,而与此不相协调的是大量的存疑判决案件不断冲击着人们的对司法的信任。
- Since 1996 when The Criminal Procedure Act in China was revised, the criminal retrial has displayed the very important function in the aspect of rectifying the wrong cases, and upheld the judicial impartiality to a large extent. 摘要自1996年我国《刑事诉讼法》修改以来,刑事再审程序在纠正错案方面发挥了很大的作用,在很大程度上维护了司法正义。
- criminal procedural act 刑事诉讼行为
- Evolution of criminal procedural model introduction II. 刑事诉讼模式的演进2。
- Discovery of the Laws Related to Criminal and Civil Cases Adjudication affords a clue for further understanding the process of the drafting of the Criminal and Civil Procedural Act. 《刑事民事诉讼裁判等项法律》的发现,为我们进一步了解《刑事民事诉讼法》的起草过程提供了线索。
- Between Two Systems: A Study on the Japanese Criminal Procedural System. 在两个主义之间:日本刑事审判模式研究
- Informations were used also in criminal procedure. 控告起诉书也用于刑事诉讼中。
- Additionally, there are over one hundred students of LLD and LLM whose major are criminal procedural law. 此外,还有百余名正在就读的刑事诉讼法学专业的博士研究生和硕士研究生。
- Habeas Corpus is defendant's basic criminal Procedural right of appeal in the federal system in America. 美国联邦法院人身保护是对州法院刑事被告提供的基本性申诉权利。
- I am persuaded that the majority has erroneously raised a simple procedural act of the prosecutor to the dignity of constitutional dimensions. 笔者承认大多数错误的存在提出了一个简单的程序法则,即宪法的层面上的检察官尊严。
- The first Code of Criminal Procedure was enacted in 1861. 第一部刑事诉讼法典是在1861年颁布的。
- China's criminal procedural law regulates three kinds of appeal,which are investigated appeal,prosecuted appeal and judgment appeal. 我国现行刑事诉讼法中规定了侦查申诉、不起诉申诉、生效判决裁定申诉等三种申诉。
- The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) governs these activities. 管理程序条例管理这些行为。
- However, our Criminal Procedural Law didn't regulate the suit process of unit crime cases, saying nothing of jurisdiction of unit crime cases. 但我国刑事诉讼法并没有规定单位犯罪案件的诉讼程序,更没有明确单位犯罪案件的管辖问题。
- And at the same time, the current criminal procedural law will be modified again, which will offer a precious opportunity to the indigenization of the system of Habeas Corpus. 同时,刑事诉讼法的再修改又为人身保护令制度的本土化提供了一个不可多得的机会。
- But ,the criminal procedural law doesn't provide that the vitim may apply early civil enforcement in the period of criminal investigation , which causes some social problems. 然而在刑事诉讼法中,对如何在刑事侦查阶段保障被害人的民事权利,却规定甚少,由此引发了一些社会问题。
- The current recognizance system of our country has exposed some irrationality not only on the idea but also on the system in the criminal procedural practice. 我国现行的取保候审制度无论在理念上还是制度设计本身在刑事司法实践中都暴露出了一些不尽如人意之处。
- But in our country, the applicable scope of discretional non-prosecution provided by criminal procedural law is so narrow that the values of the system are restrained. 但我国现行刑诉法规定的酌定不起诉制度的适用范围过于狭窄,制约了酌定不起诉制度应有价值的发挥,应当扩大酌定不起诉的适用范围。
- Both civil procedure law, and criminal procedure law are procedural laws. 民事诉讼法和刑事诉讼法都属于程序法。