- Modern criminal law value is the unity of human rights prelection and social protection,modern criminal law aims to be justice , reduction, humanity. 现代刑法价值是人权保障和社会保护的统一,公正、谦抑、人道是现代刑法所追求的价值目标。
- Civil law is different to criminal law. 民法与刑法是不同的。
- Scotland has its own criminal law. 苏格兰有它自己的刑法。
- He continued to lecture on criminal law at Rome University. 他继续在罗马大学教授刑法。
- criminal law value 刑法的价值
- We have studied the criminal law. 我们学习了刑法。
- The lecturer continued that civil law was different to criminal law. 讲课人继续解释说民法与刑法是不同的。
- She's an authority on criminal law. 她是刑法专家。
- Criminal law and correctional systems. 刑法及改造体系。
- What does the Criminal Law Regulate? 刑法的调整对象?
- Study on the economic criminal law II. 经济刑法研究2。
- A person who has violated a criminal law. 触犯刑法的人。
- Formally, the reversion is "guity reference", but it has extreme necessity for breaking some criminal cases and is conformity with the orientation of law value. 证明责任倒置在形式上是“有罪推定”,但它对某些刑事案件实体真实的发现极具必要性,也符合正当的法律价值取向。
- The boy therefore has offended the criminal law. 男孩因此触犯了刑法。
- A criminal lawyer is a specialist in criminal law. 刑事法律师是刑法方面的专家。
- Legal interest of larceny is the interest and value protected by criminal law but violated by theft action. 盗窃罪的法益是指为刑法保护而被盗窃行为所侵害的利益和价值。
- The lecturer said that civil law was different from criminal law. 讲课人说民法与刑法是不同的。
- According to the criminal law murder can is a capital offence. 根据刑法规定,谋杀可判死罪。
- The fifth part: Surplus It elucidates the meaning of theory of criminal law and the value of culture of criminal law. 第五部分:余论阐明了人身危险性的刑法理论意义及其刑法文化价值。
- The scope of legal evaluation consists of evaluation about law form , law fact, law value, and appreciation of beauty. 法律评价维度包括形式、事实、价值及审美,其分别对应法的形式评价、事实评价、价值评价和审美评价。 法的形式评价是法律的外部表现形式和内部结构的评价,即对法律概念、法律逻辑、法律原则和规则及其法律的表述载体的评价。