- The Construction of the Theories of Act Levels in the Criminal Law of China 论我国刑法中行为结构层次理论的构建
- The aim of the law of torts is different from the criminal law. 侵权行为的目的有别于刑法。
- Now come the question of time of shipment. 接下来是装运时间问题。
- According to the criminal law of China, the people deviated the culpability of joint-crime should be responsible for his/her act. 不过,从立法论层面来讲,我们主张,如果其他共同犯罪行为人也具有这一偏离行为的主观罪过,应当依法承担至少是过失的刑事责任。
- The criminal law of our country stipulates the definition of the crime as the behavior that "should be punished", and "should bear criminal responsibility" at the same time. 我国刑法关于犯罪的定义中规定:犯罪是“应当受刑罚处罚的”行为,同时又规定犯罪“应当负刑事责任”。
- Arranged in order of time of occurrence. 按时间发生顺序排列的
- Circle the length of time of your English study. 圈选个人学习英语的时间长度。
- We are running short of time of finish the job. 我们越来越没有时间完成这项工作。
- Numbers of time of giving commands in RPG or SLG. Turn:回合。RPG、SLG玩家(或玩家对手)下达指令的次数。
- On the Concept of Act in Chinese Criminal Law 试论我国刑法中的行为概念
- The Concept of Act in Criminal Law 论刑法中的行为概念
- The criminal law of China provides that extortion of confessions through torture is strictly prohibited. 我国刑罚规定,严禁刑讯逼供。
- A period of time of aftertime I will take studying as a lord. 今后一段时间我会以学习为主。
- In this part, I agree with opinions which consider the charge of the article 239 in criminal law of P. R. 笔者赞同将刑法第239条界定为绑架罪的观点。
- Both Chinese criminal law of 1979 and its 1997 revision have concludedit in the cataloger of property crime. 在新中国成立后颁布的1979年刑法和修订后颁布的1997年刑法中,都将抢劫罪归入侵犯财产类犯罪中。
- Drug trafficking is punishable by death according to the criminal law of the Republic of China. 依據中華民國刑法,販賣、運送毒品者可判處死刑。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- In fact, we misapprehend it, "criminal law of enemy" will provide us a more clear and rational life. 但是,剔除直觉和感性的因素,敌人刑法理论实际上向我们展示的是一幅更清晰、更理性的生活画卷。
- Voluntary surrender is an important system of penal institution in criminal law of China. 自首制度,是我国刑法中的一项重要刑罚制度。
- Only continuous verbs can take post- verbal words of time- quantity as durative adverial and those with instantaneous verbs indicate the lapse of time after the completion of act. 只有持续动词后的时量词语才是表持续意义的,瞬间动词后的时量词语表示的是动作行为完成后所经历的时间。