- Crime related to loot is a kind of frequent crimes in practice. 赃物罪在实践中是一种高发型犯罪。
- You can also be deported and excluded from the U-S forever if you've ever been convicted of a crime related to narcotics or marijuana. 如果你曾经从事过与致幻毒品或者大麻相关的犯罪,你也会被驱逐出境并被永远拒绝入境
- You can also be deported and excluded from the U-S forever if you’ve ever been convicted of a crime related to narcotics or marijuana. 如果你曾经从事过与致幻毒品或者大麻相关的犯罪,你也会被驱逐出境并被永远拒绝入境
- Research on automotive catalyst is reviewed, including related situation, the study of the carrier, active component,the promoter and the mechanism in the catalyst. 本文综述了国内外汽车排气净化的主要工作 ,包括尾气催化剂的发展概况、催化剂载体、活性组分 (贵金属和非贵金属 )、助剂及催化机理的研究进展。
- In this study, investigate the building sites in Tainan, Kaohsiung and Pingdong with sampling and interview on the scene to explore the related situation. 本研究针对台南、高雄、屏东等建筑工地,以抽样问卷及现场访视做相关之探讨。
- An important statistic is that 94 per cent of crime relates to property. 一个重要数据是 94%25 的犯罪同财产有关。
- This article briefed the market organization form innovation tendency, the wholesale market habitat and the production and marketing integration, the market shape diversification, the function multiplication related situation. 中国专业商品批发市场发展现状及趋势本文介绍了市场组织形式创新趋势,批发市场产地化和产销一体化,市场形态多样化、功能多元化的有关情况。
- In the lecture Dr.Zhang also briefed the Microsoft China research and development group's related situation,and had disclosed a five years' Microsoft strategy for reconsidering to the schoolmates. 演讲中张博士还介绍了微软中国研发集团的相关情况,并且向同学们透露了微软五年一次的战略反思情况。
- Reducing and preventing teenagers' sex crime relate to the stability of a society and the healthy growth of the teenagers. 减少和预防青少年性犯罪关系到社会的长治久安和青少年的健康成长。
- Study Some Questions about Crime Related to Loot 赃物罪若干问题研究
- defrauding crime related to bill 票据诈骗
- Religion is often made the covert of crime. 宗教常成为罪恶的护庇所。
- What it does not describe are the ranges of different behaviors exhibited by members of that target market regarding the product and related situations. 它不能描述的是目标市场成员展示的有关产品本身和与产品相关场景下的行为范畴,范畴不同于均值。
- The newly revised Criminal Law has added the stipulation on the "crime of undermining environmental and resources protection", providing an effective legal base for intensifying law enforcement and punishing crimes related to environment. 在新修订的《刑法》中,增加了“破坏环境资源保护罪”的规定,为强化环境监督执法、制裁环境犯罪行为,提供了强有力的法律依据。
- The parents tried to smother up his son's crime. 这两个家长想给其儿子掩盖罪行。
- The mayor is confident the war against crime will be won. 市长确信反犯罪活动之战争必定胜利。
- The murderer was overtaken in his crime. 杀人犯当场被捕。
- John said he had been impelled to crime by poverty. 约翰说他为贫困所迫而犯罪。
- The public security and judicial organs cracked down on serious crimes related to murder,explosion,poisoning,robbery,large-scale theft,rape,kidnapping,gangs,and guns,effectively protecting the safety of people's lives and property. 公安、司法机关依法打击杀人、爆炸、投毒、抢劫、重大盗窃、强奸、绑架和黑社会性质组织犯罪、涉枪犯罪等严重刑事犯罪活动,有力保障人民群众的生命和财产安全。
- It all goes to show that crime doesn't pay. 这一切都证明犯罪没有好结果。