- crime psychological structure 犯罪心理结构
- He is proficient in crime psychology. 他精通犯罪心理学。
- psychological structure of crime 犯罪心理结构
- The intrinsic aesthetic psychological structure: surprise / startle-depression, resistance-the accumulation, spurt-ponder. 这种内在的审美心理结构为:惊讶/骇?压抑,抗争?积聚,喷涌?涵泳。
- Schema symbolizes a kind of psychological structure of the human knowledge,it plays an important role in the knowledge acquisition. 图式是表征人类一般知识的一种心理结构,在知识的获得中起着重要的作用。
- Psychoanalysis treats the patient through forming new psychological structure with understanding and explanation as the basic units of the psychoanalytic therapy. 精神分析通过形成新的心理结构进行治疗,理解和解释构成精神分析治疗的基本单元。
- Unconsciousness refers to anirrational mental phenomenon in which the subject is unaware of the dominant act and it exists in the bottom of the psychological structure. 摘要无意识是指影响和支配行为活动而又未被主体意识到的一种非理性精神现象,存在于心理结构底层。
- Starting from studies on the psychological structure of subjectivity in schoolboys and schoolgirls, this paper probes into the problem of subjectivity in education. 本文从研究人的主体性的心理结构出发,探索了教育中学生的主体性的培养问题。
- In a way, liberalism is here even the worst of the three, since it NATURALIZES the reasons for obedience into the subject’s internal psychological structure. 在某种意义上,自由主义甚至是其中最坏的一种,因为它把服从的理由自然化为主体内在心理结构的一部分。
- The System Construction of Crime Psychological Test 犯罪心理测试的系统构建
- Scientific, proper teaching method of crime psychology is the key to improve the teaching quality of this subject. 科学、适当的犯罪心理学教学方法是提高该学科教学质量的关键。
- Social label theory in crime psychology can help scientifically analyze the behavior of aberration. 对于"越轨犯规行为"的科学分析和有效转化,犯罪心理学领域提出了著名的社会标签理论。
- In the internalized-externalized mechanism, jobbery crime psychology shows two tendencies. 在内外化机制中,职务犯罪心理主要呈现两种发展趋势。
- There was a deep consciousness of nature in the ethical psychological structure in the Chinese ancient culture, which was incarnated in their religious and philosophical consciousness. 摘要中国古代民族文化心理结构中,有着深沉而厚重的山水意识。这种山水意识,首先在宗教意识中体现出来,再进而提升体现为哲学思想意识。
- In the internalized-externaliz ed mechanism, jobbery crime psychology shows two tendencies. 在内外化机制中,职务犯罪心理主要呈现两种趋势。
- It is of great importance, both in terms of theory and practice in the nurturing and development of students' creative drives, to elucidate the psychological structure of creative ability. 阐明创造能力的心理结构,对于当前学校教育如何培养和发展学生的创造性素质具有理论意义和实践意义。
- Psychological structure: self, this I, I, in the heart of the function, Freud's subconsciousness will focus mainly on the effect of the above, then his attention gradually transferred to self role. 心理的构造:自我、本我、超我,在内心的功能方面,弗洛伊德将重点放在了潜意识的作用上面,后来他的注意力逐渐地转移到了自我的作用上面。
- Religion is often made the covert of crime. 宗教常成为罪恶的护庇所。
- Discussing the content and psychological structures of OCB under the culturalbackground in China is propitious to improve the contextual performance management. 探讨中国文化背景下企业员工的组织公民行为的内容和结构维度,可以对企业管理中的绩效管理特别是关系绩效的评估提供依据。
- The parents tried to smother up his son's crime. 这两个家长想给其儿子掩盖罪行。