- WESTBANK crime of intentional injury 故意伤害罪
- A Probe on the Common Crime of Intentional Injury 试论共同故意伤害罪
- On the Crime of Intentional Injury 故意伤害罪探疑
- crime of intentional injury 故意伤害罪
- The crime of intentionally destroying property by the use of fire. 故意放火毁坏财产的犯罪。
- Establishes a punishment for the crime of intentional arson of a place of worship. 明确了对在做礼拜的地方犯下故意纵火罪的处罚。
- Crime of affray is the crime of intentional crime directly which has the criminal motivation and purpose. 聚众斗殴罪是直接故意犯罪,要求行为人主观上具有犯罪动机和目的。
- Sohn tin, Chen Sheng, Cengmou 4, and other suspects were all arrested, which opened a "906" case of intentional injury death of the truth. 孙某钿、陈某生、曾某等4名犯罪嫌疑人全部落网,从而揭开了“906”故意伤害致死案的真相。
- On Determination of Intentional Injury Crime at Group Fisticuffs 群殴事件中故意伤害罪的认定问题
- Discussion on Controversial Issues of Intentional Injury Crime 故意伤害罪若干争议问题探讨
- The court held that Defendant unlawfully deprived other's life via holding a lethal weapon to chop, stab, and punch the victim, which had already composed the crime of intentional homicide. 本院认为,被告人王长芸持凶器对被害人进行砍、刺、戳,非法剥夺他人生命,致人死亡,其行为已构成故意杀人罪。
- It was not just an accident; she did it of intent. 这不是一个真正的意外事故; 她是有意这样做的。
- WESTBANK crime of intentional homicide 故意杀人罪
- The letter of intent is undergoing substantial modification. 意向书正在实质性内容方面进行修改。
- To avoid the punishment loophole and protect citizen freedom of intention decision, our country should add the crime of forcing. 为避免刑罚处罚的空隙,有效保护公民的意思决定自由,我国应增设胁迫罪罪名。
- Ponderation over the Aggravation of Intentional Injury 对故意伤害结果加重犯的思考
- Crimes of violence carry heavy penalties. 暴力罪行要承受严厉的惩罚。
- Wegner.The Sting of Intentional Pain. : 出处: Kurt Gray and Daniel M.
- The object of the crime of kidnapping is single. 摘要绑架罪侵犯的客体是单一客体。
- It was done with the best of intentions. 是出於一片好心才这样做的。