- crime of fraud on LC 信用证诈骗罪
- The objective problems in the elements of the crime of fraud on commercial instruments shall be resolved by expanding interpretation in order to amend the inconsistency of legislation. 摘要票据诈骗罪犯罪构成客观要件争议问题应通过合理解释法条完成,并且主要通过法条的扩张解释弥补法条疏漏。
- You can accuse crime of fraud of the other side. 你可以控告对方诈骗罪。
- Crime of fraud belongs to civil code. 诈骗罪属于民法。
- Recognizing the Crime of Fraud on Credit Card 对信用卡诈骗罪的再认识
- How to Define the Crime of Fraud on Credit Card 信用卡诈骗罪客观方面要件的认定探讨
- crime of fraud on letter of credit 软条款
- the crime of fraud on a letter of crdit 信用证诈骗罪
- the crime of fraud on letter of credit 信用证诈骗罪
- On the Crime of Fraud on Credit Card and its Preventing Structure 论信用卡诈骗罪与防范构想
- Research on the Difficulties of Crime of Fraud on Letter of Credit 信用证诈骗罪疑难问题研究
- Analysis of Objective Problems in the Elements of the Crime of Fraud on Commercial Instruments 票据诈骗罪犯罪构成客观要件争议问题探析
- Research on the Objective Aspect and Object of the Crime of Fraud on Commercial Instrument 票据诈骗罪客体及客观方面研究
- A Research on the Crime of Financial Fraud II. 金融诈骗罪研究2。
- Secondly, I introduce the means of the crime of fraud against portfolio. 其次,介绍了有价证券诈骗犯罪的手段。
- crime of fraud on credit card 信用卡诈骗罪
- He carried out a number of frauds on trusting people who lent him money. 他多次诈欺那些信任他并借钱给他的人。
- It analyses the criminal object; criminal subject and act pattern on crime of fraud in financing. 摘要对集资诈骗罪的犯罪客体,主体和行为方式进行分析。
- She appeared in court on three counts of fraud. 她因三项诈骗罪而出庭受审。
- Investigation of fraud was their commission. 调查诈欺舞弊是他们的任务。