- crepitus dentium [医] 牙咿轧音, 牙震声
- Crepitus was detected on the medial aspect of her thigh. 患者左股中部可及捻发音。
- No subcutaneous crepitus is appreciated on examination of the skin. 在皮肤检查过程中未查及皮下捻发感。
- Diffuse crepitus of the arm, extending to the left chest wall, was noted. 弥漫性的捻发音从胳膊延伸至左侧胸壁。
- Results:Rhubarb and Rhein had different inhibitory effects on oral common bacteria,except Bifrdobacterium dentium. 甲壳胺除对齿双歧外,对其他口腔常见菌均有凝集作用。甲壳胺对变形链球菌有解吸附作用。
- During all these maneuvers, limitation with or without pain in joint crepitus are assessed. 在所有这些运动中,可评估关节摩擦声中关节活动有/无痛感受限。
- These should also be assessed passively, while holding the joint and feeling for crepitus. 这些也应该被动评估,同时握住关节和感觉摩擦感。
- If you hae a badly damaged joint from arthritis you hae likely experienced crepitus. 偶见于小面积皮损造成的大量空气软组织积聚,可能因为球-瓣机理。
- Good. -Observe the movement of the jaw, feel for swelling and note any tenderness or crepitus. 好.;观察下颚的运动;看有没有肿胀的感觉和轻微的不适
- If you suspect a problem, cup your hand over the patient's shoulders and feel for crepitus as the patient repeats the movements. 如果你怀疑病人有病症,可以把双手置于病人肩膀处让其重复上述动作,以此感知肩部的情况。
- The presence of patellofemoral crepitus and pain with patellar inhibition testing or patellar compression should be noted. 在膝盖限制试验或者膝盖压缩中髌骨股骨捻发音和疼痛的存在都应该被注意。
- All patients were at least 50 years of age and experienced morning stiffness of less than 30 minutes in duration or crepitus, or both. 这些患者每天早晨都会经历短暂的关节僵硬现象(30分钟内),或同时伴有关节摩擦的杂音出现,且经放射线检查确认为退化性膝关节炎。
- It is then confirmed that the thumb remains completely mobile and that joint crepitus is no longer present in the TM joint. 然后再确认拇指具有完全的活动能力,TM关节咿轧音消失。
- This diving lobsterman was struck by a needlefish on his anterior neck and presented with extensive subcutaneous crepitus and hemoptysis on arrival at the emergency room. 这是一个潜水捕捉龙虾的渔夫被针鱼撞击到前颈部,送达急诊室时,有广大面积皮下气肿及吐出痰中带血等症状。
- Crepitus is a clinical symptom in medicine that is characterized by a peculiar crackling, crinkly, or grating feeling or sound under the skin, around the lungs, or in the joints. 非感染性皮下气肿常见原因有肺或消化道穿孔、冲击伤、皮肤溃疡、气枪伤、拔牙和用过氧化氢冲洗伤口。
- Many people have some degree of crepitus, a crackling or grinding sound made when uneven cartilage surfaces rub against each other.It usually occurs in large joints, like the knee or shoulder. 很多人都有不同程度的捻发音,凹凸不平的软骨组织表面互相摩擦的时候会发出的一种噼啪声或者研磨声,通常发生在膝盖或者肩膀这样的大关节。
- facies anterior dentium praemolarium et molarium [医] 磨牙及前磨牙前面
- facies anterior dentium premolarium et molarium 前磨牙和磨牙前面
- facies lateralis dentium incisivorum et caninorum [医] 切牙及尖牙外侧面
- facies medialis dentium incisivorum et caninorum [医] 切牙及尖牙内侧面