- Many special credit risks appraisal agencies carry on overall credit risks grading of the company or enterprises in abroad, for instance, famous Moody credit rating Company, Standard and Poor company. 国外有很多专门的信用风险评估机构对公司或企业的信用风险进行全面的评级,如美国著名的穆迪信用评级公司、标准普尔公司和费奇公司。
- ABS are generally rated by one or more of the following rating agencies: Standard &Poor's Rating Services, Moody's Investors Service, Fitch IBCA or Duff &Phelps6 Credit Rating Company. 资产支持型证券通常由以下一家或几家评级机构进行评级:标准普尔、穆迪、惠誉或达夫费尔普斯评级公司。
- And now, these credit rating companies have enjoyed a virtual monopoly, but legislation recently passed by Congress would allow for more competition. Lou? 而现在,虽然这些信用评级公司已经享受了事实上的垄断,但最近国会通过的立法将允许更多的竞争?卢?
- Having an acceptable credit rating. 信用好的有令人满意的信用等级的
- Theory and method kf credit rating II. 资信评估的理论和方法2。
- First it is our strong credit rating. 首先我们拥有优良的信贷评级。
- China Cheng Xin International Credit Rating Co. 中诚信国际信用评级公司。
- Credit rating agencies downgraded A. 信用评级机构考虑到A.
- She has a good credit rating,so she can borrow a lot of money. 她的借贷信用很好,所以她能借到许多钱。
- This bank loses seriously in the loan crisis, the credit rating organization Standard and Poor Company on 24th reduced its credit rank. 该银行在次贷危机中损失惨重,信用评级机构标准普尔公司24日降低了其信用级别。
- Yeah, credit rating, and for the long-term we have triple A. 对,还有我们的长期偿债资信级别是三A级,
- The CPA firm may also verify the credit rating of major debtors. 注册会计师事务所也可能要证实主要债务人的信用评级情况。
- Bob's poor repayment history has really hurt his credit rating. 巴柏不良的还款记录对他的信用评等造成很大的伤害。
- Impaired Credit The deterioration of a borrower's credit rating. 受损的信贷借方的信贷评级恶化。
- Si Witton also declared that the company has the formidable credit rating, the low debt level and the multiplex financing channel. 斯威顿还声称,公司拥有强大的信贷评级、较低的债务水平和多元化的融资渠道。
- If your credit rating is poor the lender may refuse you credit. 如果你的信用等级不佳,贷方就可能拒绝你的贷款申请。
- Credit rating agencies play an important role in this process. 信贷评级机构在这个过程中扮演着重要角色。
- She has a good credit rating, so she can borrow a lot of money. 她的借贷信用很好,所以她能借到许多钱。
- It is very important to set up the individual credit rating system. 建立个人信用体系非常重要。
- Ideally, each of these departments will become not just an independent entity in the future, but a first rate company in the vast canvas of art businesses. 其最高理想是让公司每一个部门未来都能独立成为一个新的事业体,将该公司每一个部门事业塑造为艺术产业中第一流的公司。