- Creative Cartoon Network (CCN) is a professional AV production house with a special strength in animated cartoon creation. 广东原创动力文化传播有限公司是一家集影视制作、卡通动漫创作于一体的专业影视制作公司。
- The fight scenes will keep kids percolating in their seats, but a creative cartoon energy sparks throughout "Kung Fu Panda. 打斗的场面将让孩子们一直待在自己的座位里,而创造性的卡通人物的活力在电影的整个过程中绽放。
- The cartoon ended with collapse of stout party. 卡通以一个自以为是的人斗败后目瞪口呆作为结束。
- His style is offbeat but highly creative. 他的风格很不寻常但非常有创造力。
- The kids glued their eyes to the TV set, watching a cartoon. 孩子们目不转睛地盯着电视机看卡通片。
- She is barren of creative spirit. 她缺乏创造精神。
- She's very creative; she writes and paints. 她很有创作能力,既从事写作又从事绘画。
- The masses have boundless creative power. 人民群众有无限的创造力。
- creative cartoon 原创动漫
- He combines creative imagination with true scholarliness. 他兼有创造性的想象力和真正的学者风范。
- He combines creative imagination and true scholarship. 他同时具有创造性想象力和真正的治学谨严学风。
- The girl was drawn to the cartoon as by a magnet. 动画片强烈地吸引着那个小姑娘。
- A strong creative impulse; divine inspiration. 灵感,神感强烈的创造欲; 神明启示
- The man looks like a cartoon character with a plaster on his temple. 那人太阳穴上贴了一块膏药,看上去像个卡通人物。
- We saw a cartoon in addition to a feature film. 我们看了一个故事片,还看了一个动画片。
- They had to do some creative accountancy to balance their accounts. 他们必须做假帐才能平衡帐目。
- Don't see the cartoon yet, Bo-Bo. 别再看动画片,波波。
- This is the background to Pat Oliphant's cartoon. 以上便是今天帕特-奥列芬特所画漫画的背景。
- Children usually like to see cartoon. 孩子们通常喜欢看卡通。
- My eyes went to the top of the cartoon. 我的眼睛转到了漫画的顶端。