- It features undecomposable, deformation free, fade resistant, insect damage resistant, god fireproof performance, crack resistant, and maintenance free etc. 从事新型建筑材料、室内外装饰材料生产销售。
- Based on the research into the yawing resistant moment of wind turbines, the method to determine the yawing power of wind turbine in put forward. 针对风力发电机组调向对风机构工作性能直接关系到机组的整体性能,从研究风力发电机组调向阻力矩入手,提出了确定机组调向功率需考虑的一些因素和方法。
- The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the steering resistant moment of the entire vehicle created by those between the wheels and the ground when the two-sectio... 本文主要讨论二段式铰接底盘原地转向时,轮胎与地面之间的阻力矩引起的整机转向阻力矩,运用运动与力平衡一致性原理,编制了计算程序,对运动及力平衡进行对应的多维搜索,最终求得数值解。
- The title coatings are prepared with EVA latex and silica sol as main film formers, glass fiber as enhancing crack resistant composition and other fillers and additives of proper quantity. 以eva乳液、溶胶为主要成膜物质,玻璃纤维为增强抗裂成分,加入适量填料及助剂配制成低成本水性外墙浮雕涂料。
- In this paper, the anlysis is presented to study the impermeability and crack resistance of basement concrete wall. 本文尝试聚丙烯纤维砼应用于地下室砼墙抗裂防水。
- The crack resistant property increases while the fractal dimensions and complexity of cracks decrease accompanied with the increasing dosage and length of PPF. 结论聚丙烯纤维能有效地延缓裂缝的产生和发展;
- How does the turning resistance moment is influenced by the movement of the trac k shoes? 也可以由这幅图对转向过程中履带板对土壤的剪切情况做一番分析。
- Strength and crack resistance capability of concrete will be improved after being reinforced by chopped basalt continuous fiber. 在混凝土中掺加乱向短切玄武岩纤维后,其强度及抗裂性能均会得到改善。
- The traditional method to analyze the turning resistance moment of a tracked veh icle is by introducing a coefficient which has an unclear concept. 图3是一个履带板在地面上运动的轨迹,图中仅绘出了履带板表面上同一条直线的两个端点及中点的运动轨迹。
- Curing and constructing for cement-stabilized macadam under the condition of lower temperature is benefit to improve its crack resistance. 低温条件下养生、施工有利于改善水泥稳定碎石基层材料的抗裂性能。
- In order to analyze the crack reason, static load experiments were made on three prefabricated piles to examine the crack resistance of the piles. 为分析产生裂缝原因,通过静荷载试验的方法检验桩身的抗裂性能;
- The research proves that post tensioned prestressed concrete hollow slab own fine deformation behavior and crack resistance. 本文研究表明:后张预应力混凝土空心板具有良好的变形性能和抗裂性能。
- By analyzing and deriving ,the practicality arithmetic is given for determinating the pelletizers key parameter including resistance moment and motor power. 在分析的基础上,通过解析推导,给出了造球机阻力矩和电机功率等关键参数的一种实用算法。
- Mainly applied in cracking resistant sheath of communication cable, control cable and power cable. 主要用于通信电缆,控制电缆和电力电缆的护套层。
- By the kinematic analysis of flow, and the analysis of drive moment and resistance moment, the rotating speed expression of self-rotating twisted tape was deduced. 摘要通过对换热管内流体的运动分析和自旋扭带的转动力拒与阻力矩分析,推导出扭带的转速计算式。
- Mainly applied in cracking resistant sheath of communication cable,control cable and power cable. 主要用于通信电缆,控制电缆和电力电缆的护套层。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- The safety and the crack resistance of the anchorage zone which exists due to the usage of large tonnage anchorage device, are the critical part of the structural design. 对采用大吨位特殊锚具的桥梁结构来说,锚固区的安全性和抗裂性是结构设计的关键部分,但现行规范还没有给出一种既精确又简易的验算方法。
- The study shows that the self-compacting high performance concrete members have high denseness, fine appearance without honeycomb and scale, better crack resistance and ductility. 研究表明,该方法成型的自密实高性能混凝土构件无蜂窝麻面、密实性好,具有更优越的抗裂性能和延性,构件和实梁的受弯、剪性能均与振捣成型的混凝土构件相近;
- It can meet the food directly.Innocuity, insipidity, no volatiles, high temperature resistance, crack resistance contribute to its perfect waterproof effection. 可直接与食品接触,无毒、无味、无挥发物、耐高温、难裂解,达到高度防水的效果。