- Interactions between different cracks and the stress intensity factors for different crack surface forms are calculated, and theeffect of the distance and the angle on the stress intensity factor is analyzed. 算例计算了多种情况下裂纹之间的相互作用,分别给出了不同裂面状态下的应力强度因子,分析了各种情况下裂纹间的距离、夹角等因素对应力强度因子的影响。
- crack surface form 裂面形态
- No stress measurements or crack surface samples were available for examination, only the surface crack configuration. 没有应力测量或裂纹表面取样可用于检验,只能依据表面裂纹图形。
- Part of the crack is cut by drill,the crack surface is dust-colour under naked eyes. 钻孔截取裂纹局部,肉眼可见裂纹表面呈暗褐色。
- During fracture propagation driven by detonation gas in oil well, dynamic response of crack surface under the gas pressure results in fast fracturing. 摘要油井爆生气体对岩石劈裂作用过程,是裂缝面对动态荷载响应并使其发生动态扩展的过程。
- Haiman(1985)concluded:“The surface form of a sentence iconically diagrams its semantics. Haiman(1985)认为:“句子的表层形式是语义的象似图式。”
- During fracture propagation driven by detonation gas in oil well,dynamic response of crack surface under the gas pressure results in fast fracturing. 油井爆生气体对岩石劈裂作用过程,是裂缝面对动态荷载响应并使其发生动态扩展的过程。
- In vacuum deposition,the substrate deformation caused by sustentation and temperature grads can affect the final surface form of film-substrate system. 真空镀膜过程中,基底因支撑、温度梯度造成的应变会对最终的薄膜-基底系统的面形产生影响。
- A surface forming a common boundary between adjacent regions, bodies, substances, or phases. 界面在相关区域,实体,物质或阶段之间所形成共同界限的面
- A core was removed from this area so that the crack surfaces could be examined. 从这一区域取样芯,以便检验裂纹表面。
- A curved surface forming a junction between a ceiling and a wall. "拱,穹隆在天花板和墙之间形成交汇点的弯曲表面"
- The authors describe in details its features such as the surface form, petrologic features, depositional system , palaeo-flow etc. 在野外工作的基础上全面叙述了地层的岩相特征、沉积体系、古流向等。
- When flatness of optical flat is measured,temperature not only influences flatness value of optical flat,but also directly influences its surface form judgement. 在测量平晶工作面的平面度时,温度不仅对平晶平面度的大小有影响,而且直接影响对平晶表面形状(凹凸)的判断。
- The crack growth rate without the influence of crack surface contact was determined by extrapolating the relationship between the crack growth rate and the crack extension to the zero crack length. 通过外插裂纹扩展速率与裂纹长度之间的关系, 可近似得到裂纹长度为零时无裂纹面滑移接触影响的裂纹扩展速率。
- To solve the dual integral equations, the displacement on crack surfaces is expanded in a series of Jacobi polynomials. 为了求解对偶积分方程,裂纹面上的位移直接展开成雅可比多项式形式。
- The crack surfaces in the web and flange were subjected to visual examination in order to evaluate crack growth regions. 为了估计各裂纹扩展区,对翼缘和腹板的裂纹表面进行了宏观检验。
- Slashing-in of ends in ring frame Aprons with cracked surfaces. 皮圈表面裂。
- This is a point of view from a variety of geological, geographical features, such as surface form an in-depth study will also conduct a study area associated with people's lives a scholarship. 这是一门从各种角度对地质、地表形态等地理特征进行深入研究,同时也研究地域与人们生活关联的一门学问。
- To solve the dual integral equations, the jumps of the displacements across the crack surfaces are expanded in a series of Jacobi polynomials. 为了求解对偶积分方程,将裂纹面上的位移差函数展开为雅可毕多项式的级数形式。
- Then, Chapter five investigates the relationships between the urban housing surface and urban environment: discusses the relation between surface form and entironment, urban space, community space. 2、第五章属于住宅外界面的城市关联性研究:将住宅作为城市环境的有机组成部分,研究住宅外界面与自然环境、城市环境以及社区空间结构之间的互动关系。