- cowberry pine forest 牙疙疸松林
- There is a pine forest near our house. 我们家附近有片松树林。
- The campsite is set in the middle of a pine forest. 露营地建在了松树林的中间。
- The pavilion is surrounded by a thick pine forest. 亭子被茂密的松林包围着。
- The wind blew in delightful odors from the pine forest. 风从松林刮来阵阵怡人的香味。
- One hectare of pine forest can retain 36.4 tons of dust annually. 一公顷松林一年可吸滞灰尘约36.;4吨。
- A study on broad-leaved Korean pine forest dynamics modelling. 阔叶红松林动态模拟的研究。
- Research on log rule of timbers from artificial masson pine forest. 马尾松人工林材种出材率表的研究。
- A wolf hurries along in a pine forest in the shadow of the mountains. 这时,穿过一片被山的阴影覆盖的松树林,就正有一只狼匆匆地走过来。
- In the midst of the endless pine forest stood a single group of oak trees. 在无边无际的松林当中,有一小丛橡树。
- Sometimes we went off the road and on a path through the pine forest. 我们有时离开山道,转入穿过松林的小径。
- There are 3 types of PWD associated with the fire of pine forest,i.e. 火烧松林诱发松材线虫病可分为当年发病型、次年发病型和隐匿发病型。
- The wind blew delightful odors from the pine forests. 风从松林中吹来阵阵沁人的芳香。
- The wind blew us delightful odors from the pine forests . 风为我们吹来了松树林的香味。
- The authorities say the attack occurred Thursday in Pahalgam, a popular pine forest resort south of Srinagar. 当局说,攻击星期四发生在帕哈干姆,这里是斯利那加南部一个受欢迎的松树林度假村。
- The wind blew us delightful odors from the pine forests. 风为我们吹来了松树林的香味。
- Much of the land that contained pine forests is now barren. 过去生长松树林的土地现在大部分都变成了荒地。
- The commanding post of the 5th Group Army was set in a pine forest nearby an airfield where his Majesty's plane was going to land. 第五集团军指挥所设在机场附近的松林里,英王的座机可在此降落。
- You will find a pine forest next to a linden tree forest, and throughout a diverse spectrum of other species. 你可以在一片松树林旁边看到一片菩提树林,而在整个地段上见到纷杂多样的其他树种。
- It belongs to DC-H Pattern, which is rare in NW Yunnan. It only occurs under pine forest in N Wenhai. 属于滇西北、川西南横断山区特有分布(DC-H)。滇西北较少见。流域见于文海北面松林下,较少见。