- Do you have cover against theft? 你有防盗保险吗?
- 750 Ball iron water-proof well cover against theft (used for cable) 750球铁防盗防水井盖(电缆用)
- The insurance policy protects you against theft. 你如遭窃,保险单将保证偿付你的损失。
- cover against theft 防盗保险
- They are protected against theft. 他们受保护以防被窃。
- Are you covered against fire and theft ? 你是否保了火险和盗险?
- Are you covered against fire and theft? 你是否保了火险和盗险?
- Shall we insure our house against theft and fire? 我们是该给房子保盗窃险和火险呢?
- Is our security against theft adequate? 我们对窃盗的防备工作做得充分吗?
- Is it possible to cover against almost any loss? 几乎任何险都可以保?
- They insured their money against theft by depositing it in a bank. 他们把钱存入银行,以防失窃。
- Are the goods covered against fire damage? 这批货物保了火险吗?
- Mr. Carter installed a lock as a prevention against theft. 卡特先生装了一把锁,以防偷窃。
- Insurance cover against all types of risk. 保所有风险的保险。
- It is possible to cover against almost any loss? 几乎任何险都可以保。
- All the pupils in the school are covered against accidents. 学校里所有的学生参加了人身保险。
- Keep the jewelry in the bank to secure it against theft. 把你的珍宝放在银行里以免被盗。
- I bought some new locks as an additional insurance against theft. 我买了新锁具以进一步防止盗窃。
- Excuse me, do you offer property insurance against theft and fire? 请问,你们有防盗和防火险吗?
- We have bring in security guards to protect the store against theft. 我们请来了保安人员保护商店免遭盗窃。