- The parties shall finish the provision of evidence before a court session. 第八十四条当事人应当在开庭审理前完成举证。
- A People's Court of second instance shall open a court session to hear a case protested by a People's Procuratorate. 对人民检察院抗诉的案件,第二审人民法院应当开庭审理。
- APeople's Court of second instance shall form a collegial panel and open a court session to hear a case of appeal. 第一百八十七条第二审人民法院对上诉案件,应当组成合议庭,开庭审理。
- Or he leaves the court session halfway without permission, the court may render a judgment by default. 或者未经法庭许可中途退庭的,可以缺席判决。
- People's Court of second instance shall open a court session to hear a case protested by a People's Procuratorate. 对人民检察院抗诉的案件,第二审人民法院应当开庭审理。
- On July 30, 2003, gu Hanlin is suspected of uxoricide case be being tried in open a court session of local high court. 2003年7月30日,贾翰林涉嫌杀妻案在当地高等法院开庭审理。
- When a court session opens, the presiding judge shall ascertain if all the parties have appeared in court and announce the subject matter of the case. 第一百五十四条开庭的时候,审判长查明当事人是否到庭,宣布案由;
- The clerk shall enter all the proceedings of the court session in the record, which shall be signed by the judges and the recording clerk. 书记员应当将法庭审理的全部活动记入笔录,由审判人员和书记员签名。
- The first was that a party could deliberately withhold adduction of evidence until a court session when it was adduced as a 'secret weapon'. 或者在一审中故意不提出证据而在二审或再审中提出,致使一审或二审的判决处于不稳定状态;
- Article 187 A People's Court of second instance shall form a collegial panel and open a court session to hear a case of appeal. 第一百八十七条第二审人民法院对上诉案件,应当组成合议庭,开庭审理。
- A judge was removed from the bench for jailing 46 people after none would admit to having a cell phone that began ringing during his court session. 一名因为手机铃声大作但又没人承认而把46人关进监牢的法官,遭到革职。
- On December 19, 2007, author of anthozoan edition QQ is by arrest case south Shenzhen open a court session of a mountainous area court is tried. 2007年12月19日,珊瑚虫版QQ作者被拘案在深圳南山区法院开庭审理。
- Yesterday morning, court of county of bitter fleabane brook made public open a court session to try Deng Yonggu to be suspected of libel one case. 昨日上午,蓬溪县法院公开开庭审理了邓永固涉嫌诽谤罪一案。
- The one side of the hall sets electronic big screen on the wall, scroll broadcasts open a court session flow of platoon period, adjudgement. 大厅的一面墙上设有电子大屏幕,滚动播放开庭排期、审判流程等。
- To deliver to the defendant a copy of the bill of prosecution of the People's Procuratorate no later than ten days before the opening of the court session. 将人民检察院的起诉书副本至迟在开庭十日以前送达被告人。
- China should use "place of the court session according to prosecutor" and "minimum contacts principle" as supplement of establishment of standard of jurisdictional power so as... 笔者认为,我国可以将"被告就原告"&"最低限度联系"原则作为一种管辖权确立标准之补充,适用于网络纠纷之中。
- Legal aid institutions shall send letters to inform People's Court of the assured names and contact of the undertakers three days before the court session. 法律援助机构应当在开庭3日前将确定的承办人员的姓名及联系方式函告人民法院。
- Be seated! This court is now in session. 请坐下!本庭现在开庭。
- Above all, your friend is in when receiving forensic subpoena, court already service this writ, when open a court session the court is not to have obligation to inform party of open a court session again. 首先,你朋友在接到法院传票时,法院就已经送达了该文书,在开庭时法院是无义务再去通知当事人开庭的。
- Of one quadrangle of Beijing time of open a court session of litigant case law case has not decided, because want when Zhang Chi refers the court after rejoining to be decided again. 北京一中院的的诉讼案案子开庭时间还没确定,因为要等到张驰提交答辩后法院再定。