- Gateway of last resort is not set? 没有设置没有关系吗?
- court of last resort 终审法院
- "China has become the donor of last resort," Eberstadt says. 他说:“中国已成为了(北朝鲜)最后的援助。”
- Whether it is the company of first choice or of last resort makes no difference. 它究竟是人们的第一选择还是最后的退路,这并不重要。
- The lender of last resort is an indispensable part of the financial safety network. 摘要最后贷款人制度是金融安全网中的一道有力屏障。
- They were the arbiters of fashion, the Court of Last Appeal, and they knew it, and bowed to their fate. 他们是社会风气的仲裁人,是“最高上诉法院”,他们知道自己的地位,对命运的安排唯命是从。
- This was so feeble that, as Kindleberger says, it marked the end of Britain as a lender of last resort. 这笔贷款数额如此之小,正像金德尔伯格所说,它标志着英国作为最后贷款人的终结。
- The story is apocryphal, but it captures the tough love expected from central bankers as lenders of last resort. 故事是虚构的,但是真实表达了作为万不得已的央行官员们的强烈喜好。
- The American consumer, long the spender of last resort for the global economy, may finally be spent. 美国消费者长久以来是全球经济最后希望所寄的支出者,也许终于被消费掉了。
- That leaves the IMF as pump-primer of last resort, although not all of the funding promises made on Thursday were new. 这使得国际货币基金组织成为最后的诉诸手段,虽然并不是在周二所有的承诺资金都是新的。
- We share the view that the US has rightly been acting as spender and borrower of last resort in the world economy. 我们都认为,在全球经济中,美国极其合适地扮演着人们最后求助的借款方和消费方。
- Citizens are coordinates in a court of law. 公民在法庭上是平等的。
- The router uses this default route to reach the gateway of last resort in an effort to forward the packet. 路由器使用此预设路由来抵达最后依靠的闸道器以尽力转送封包。
- As added reassurance, the IAEA has been developing ideas for a fuel bank of last resort. 更令人放心的是,IAEA已想出建立燃料银行的主意,以做最后一招。
- The court of King Solomon was noted for its splendor. 所罗门国王的宫廷以其华丽著称。
- But programmers need to start thinking of this compromise as an admission of failure on their part, as a solution of last resort. 但是程序员们把这种妥协当做最后一招,他们应该承认这种妥协是自己的失败。
- Partly due to low pay and limited scope for career advancement, staff turnovers are, understandably, high as many regard it as an employment of last resort. 员工的流动性也高,工资低和事业发展前景有限,是其中两个原因。很多人是在没有更好的选择的情况下,加入这个行业。
- Cases are heard in an open court,and a collegial system,a challenge system,a system whereby the court of second instance is the court of last instance,and a trial supervision system are practised. 办案实行合议、回避、公开审判、两审终审和审判监督等制度。
- The lysosome is the machinery of last resort for this degradation: it is a highly acidified compartment with many powerful enzymes. 溶酶体是这种降解作用最后凭借的机器:它是非常酸性的分隔区间,有很多强有力的酶。
- In deciding cases the Chinese courts follow the system whereby the court of second instance is the court of last instance. 中国法院审判案件,实行两审终审制。