- court of final instance 终审法院
- Ordinary legal aid is available for representation in civil proceedings in the Court of Final Appeal,Court of Appeal,Court of First Instance and District Court. 在终审法院、上诉法庭、原讼法庭和区域法院审理的民事案件,均可接受普通法律援助,获提供法律代表。
- Ordinary legal aid is available for representation in civil proceedings in the Court of Final Appeal, Court of Appeal, Court of First Instance and District Court. 在终审法院、上诉法庭、原讼法庭和区域法院审理的民事案件,均可接受普通法律援助,获提供法律代表。
- The remand system of china Procedural Law incarnates the principle of final second-instance, is one of means court of second instance oversees court of first instance. 我国的发回重审制度是贯彻两审终审原则的具体体现,是二审法院对一审法院进行审级监督的一种方式。
- The Court of Final Appeal is the highest appellate court in the HKSAR. 终审法院是香港特别行政区最高的上诉法院。
- The building is now the Court of Final Appeal of the HKSAR Government. 那儿是现时的特区政府终审法院。
- Appeals against refusal of legal aid for criminal appeals to the Court of Final Appeal are heard by a Review Committee appointed by the Registrar of the High Court. 至于向终审法院上诉的刑事案件,则由高等法院司法常务官所指派的覆核委员会,审理就法援申请被拒而提出的上诉。
- Counsel from this division conduct most criminal appeals up to, and including the Court of Final Appeal. 该科的律师负责大部分的刑事上诉案件,包括向终审法院提出的上诉。
- We have our own Court of Final Appeal, which is the ultimate arbiter of the common law in Hong Kong. 香港设有自己的终审法院,它是根据香港习惯法作出裁决的最终裁决机关。
- Counsel from this division conduct most criminal appeals up to,including the Court of Final Appeal. 该科的律师负责大部分的刑事上诉案件,包括向终审法院提出的上诉。
- We have our own Court of Final Appeal,which is now the ultimate arbiter of the common law in Hong Kong. 香港拥有本身的终审法院,这个终审法院目前是香港普通法的最终仲裁机构。
- We have our own Court of Final Appeal,which is the ultimate arbiter of the common law in Hong Kong. 香港设有自己的终审法院,它是根据香港习惯法作出裁决的最终裁决机关。
- Appeals against refusal of legal aid for criminal appeals to the Court of Final Appeal are heard by a Special Committee appointed by the Registrar of the High Court. 至于向终审法院上诉的刑事案件,则由高等法院司法常务官所指派的特别委员会审理就法援申请被拒而提出的上诉。
- Judgment handed down by the Court of Final Appeal on the judicial review cases concerning public rental housing rents. 终审法院就有关公屋租金的司法覆核个案作出的裁决。
- The court of first instance will sit at two in the afternoon. 初审法庭将于下午两点开庭。
- Counsel of the Prosecutions Division conduct most criminal appeals up to and including the Court of Final Appeal. 刑事检控科的律师负责大部分的刑事上诉案件,包括在终审法院提出的上诉。
- We have our own Court of Final Appeal, which is now the ultimate arbiter of the common law in Hong Kong. 香港设有本身的终审法院,它是根据香港普通法作出裁决的最终仲裁机构。
- Citizens are coordinates in a court of law. 公民在法庭上是平等的。
- In particular, in January 1999, the Court of Final Appeal delivered its judgments in two sets of landmark cases involving the right of abode issues. 一九九九年一月,终审法院首次就两组重要的居留权案件作出判决。
- The court of King Solomon was noted for its splendor. 所罗门国王的宫廷以其华丽著称。