- county urban area 县城
- In some developing countries more and more people migrate to urban area. 在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。
- In the Mineyama Pinghe County, 116 kilometers from the urban area of Zhangzhou. 位于平和县大峰山,距离漳州市区116公里。
- How do you revive a down-at-the-heels urban area? 您如何重振了下来---清远市区?
- A region remote from urban areas; backcountry. 腹地远离城区的地区,偏僻地区
- The edge of urban area is usually ig nored. 城市中的边界地带往往被人忽视。
- Yulin in the north with the flow, at the junction of Luchuan County, Yulin away from the urban area about 11 km. 在玉林与北流、陆川县交界处,距玉林市区约11公里。
- Kawasaki at the end of rural county located in the western zezhou, to the Director of riparian River, 23 kilometers away from the urban area. 川底乡位于泽州县西部,地处长河岸畔,距市区23公里。
- The urban area with all, Xiong County, Goyang, boye, Lixian part of, accounting for about 21% of the total area of the city. 该区含市区全部,雄县、高阳、博野、蠡县的一部分,约占全市总面积的21%25。
- The air pollution in the urban area is still serious. 城市大气污染仍然较重。
- The drop-out rate is highest in the poorest urban area. 最贫困城区的辍学率最高。
- To 2005,no bare land will remain in the urban area and city skirt. 2005年基本消灭全市城市建成区及城乡结合部裸露地面。
- Urban areas have depended on local sources of food. 城市地区都依靠当地的粮食来源。
- Outside the urban area, Zhengding County, the construction of 50,000 square meters of large-scale "Northern Tea City", but also in construction and investment. 市区以外,正定县兴建的5万平方米大型“北方茶叶城”,也在建设和招商中。
- Huang Cun in Daxing County, 10 kilometres south, 35 kilometers away from the urban area, the city is a large area of forest, an area of 180 hectares, to idyllic scenery-known. 位于大兴县黄村南10公里处,距市区35公里,是目前本市面积较大的一片森林,占地180公顷,以田园式风光著称。
- Exceeding the speed limit in the urban area would be fined. 在市区内超速驾车会被 罚款.
- The epidemic centered in the urban areas. 传染病集中于市区
- To 2005, no bare land will remain in the urban area and city skirt. 2005年基本消灭全市城市建成区及城乡结合部裸露地面。
- Moreover, the area change focused on Xuwen, Wuchuan and urban area. 湛江市农村居民点用地面积增加主要集中在徐闻、吴川和市区。
- Do you prefer to live in a rural area or urban area? 你喜欢住在农村还是城市?