- country in minority areas 民族地区农村
- China has instituted a system of regional autonomy in minority areas. 中国在少数民族聚居地区实行民族区域自治。
- Meanwhile,the construction of infrastructure facilities in minority areas has been further speeded up. 同时,少数民族地区基础设施建设进一步加快。
- The economic construction in minority areas has made great progress thanks to help from the state and efforts by the local people. 由于国家的帮助和当地人民的努力,少数民族地区的经济建设有了较大发展。
- The government has also arranged for the economically developed areas to provide assistance to the economic construction in minority areas. 政府还组织全国经济发达省市支援少数民族地区经济建设。
- In order to help minority nationalities develop their economies, the state has carried out economic construction on a large scale in minority areas. 为了帮助少数民族的经济发展,国家在少数民族地区进行了大规模的经济建设。
- Meanwhile, the construction of infrastructure facilities in minority areas has been further speeded up. 同时,少数民族地区基础设施建设进一步加快。
- In 1980,the state set up a fund to aid the development of economically underdeveloped areas,of which a large part was used in minority areas. 1980年,国家设立支援经济不发达地区发展资金,其中很大一部分用于少数民族地区。
- In order to help minority nationalities develop their economies,the state has carried out economic construction on a large scale in minority areas. 为了帮助少数民族的经济发展,国家在少数民族地区进行了大规模的经济建设。
- By 1990,there had been 75 institutions of higher learning established in minority areas where in previous years there were none. 截止1990年,在过去几乎没有高等院校的少数民族自治地方已建成大专院校75所。
- China is a developing country in Asia. 中国是亚洲的发展中国家。
- Small direct loan is one form of small loan, which plays an active role in poverty and difficulty alleviation in minority areas of Liaoning province. 小额直贷是小额信贷的一种形式,它在辽宁民族地区农村扶贫帮困工作中已经发挥起积极的作用。
- The court moves to the country in the summer. 夏天王室上下都移居到乡下去。
- In 1980, the state set up a fund to aid the development of economically underdeveloped areas, of which a large part was used in minority areas. 1980年,国家设立支援经济不发达地区发展资金,其中很大一部分用于少数民族地区。
- By 1990, there had been 75 institutions of higher learning established in minority areas where in previous years there were none. 截止1990年,在过去几乎没有高等院校的少数民族自治地方已建成大专院校75所。
- Invaders entered the country in waves. 入侵者一批又一批地侵入这个国家
- Result: The dead rate of high risk gestation in minority areas was reduced,and the level maternal and child health care was raised. 结果:全面降低了民族地区孕产妇及婴幼儿死亡率,提高了妇幼保健水平。
- Is meat packing a big country in your state? 在你们州,肉类加工是否算一门大型工业?
- In 1949 the average per-hectare yield of grain in minority areas was only 1,125 kg,and the total agricultural output of those areas was only worth 3.12 billion yuan. 1949年,少数民族地区平均粮食亩产只有75公斤,全国少数民族地区农业总产值仅31.;2亿元。
- In 1986 the state set up the help-the-poor discount-interest loan and capital for providing employment as a form of relief,of which a large proportion was used in minority areas. 1986年,国家设扶贫贴息贷款和以工代赈资金,其中很大一部分用于少数民族地区。