- Counterfeit goods infringe customers' legal rights. 伪劣商品侵越了消费者的合法权益。
- Those who made and produce counterfeit goods should be chastised. 那些制造和生产假冒伪劣商品的人应该受到严惩.
- The people who made and produce counterfeit goods must be punished. 那些制造和生产假冒伪劣商品的人应该受到严惩.
- Those who make and produce counterfeit goods deserved to be punished severely. 那些制造和生产假冒伪劣商品的人应该受到严惩.
- Staff from the companies would pose as shoppers and look for counterfeit goods with a notary officer nearby. 在公证人员旁观时,工作人员将假装购物者意欲购买假名牌产品。
- Cyber Import does not deal in counterfeit goods(" knock-offs") or items that violate copyright or patent laws. 赛博公司不与伪造品或是违反商标权和专利权的产品进行交易。
- The people who manufacture and produce the counterfeit goods should be chastised. 那些制造和生产假冒伪劣商品的人应该受到严惩.
- Democrats in Congress are preparing to hammer China over counterfeit goods, product safety and exchange-rate policy. 针对来自中国的伪劣商品、产品的安全性和汇率政策等问题,国会的民主党人正着手准备敲打中国。
- We are determined to fight against counterfeit goods to protect consumers' rights. 我们要坚决打击假冒伪劣产品,保护消费者权益。
- The main products are: designer clothes, handbags, watches, jewelry and so on. All goods are counterfeit goods! 主要商品有:名牌服饰,箱包,手表,饰品等。所有商品全是仿冒品。
- In a market economy, people will inevitably arise to purchase counterfeit goods and shoddy goods. 在市场经济条件下,人们购买商品难免会遇到假冒伪劣商品。
- Our shopping centre is resolutely eradicating counterfeit goods and will reward customers for discovering any such goods here. 本商场坚决清除假冒商品,并奖励发现假冒商品的顾客。
- We simply will not tolerate the theft of ideas,and I urge everyone in Hong Kong to support this effort by refusing to buy pirated or counterfeit goods of any description. 我们绝不会容忍盗用原创意念的行为。在此我呼苸香港全体市民合力维护知识产权,不要购买任何种类的翻版或冒牌产货品。
- We simply will not tolerate the theft of ideas, and I urge everyone in Hong Kong to support this effort by refusing to buy pirated or counterfeit goods of any description. 我们绝不会容忍盗用原创意念的行为。在此我呼苸香港全体市民合力维护知识产权,不要购买任何种类的翻版或冒牌产货品。
- "Though the market operator had promised to weed out counterfeit goods in the market, it failed to keep these knock-offs out," said the plaintiff's lawyer. 原告的律师说:“虽然该市场经营方曾允诺取缔市场上的假货,但是却没能将这些仿制品清理干净。”
- When the market managers temporarily shut down 29 stalls in February for selling counterfeit goods, no one expected the merchants to acquiesce quietly to the loss of business. 所以,当二月份市场管理者宣布,暂时关闭29个贩卖假货的摊位时,大家都觉得,这些商户们不会老老实实地接受处罚。
- Last December, PTO officials stationed in Guangzhou participated with China Customs officials from Guangdong Province in a training program on how to identify counterfeit goods. 去年12月,美国专利商标局驻广州的官员与广东省的海关官员合作举办了一个关于如何鉴别假冒商品的培训。
- Nascent African industry making plasticware and textiles, for example, face competition from a player with deeper pockets than they and no aversion to producing counterfeit goods. 例如,非洲新兴的塑料制品和纺织品工业要应付一个新的竞争对手的竞争。这个竞争对手他们资金更雄厚、而且不烦于生产假冒产品。
- The production of counterfeit goods to 340 price of $ 40pcs, and the Soviet Union by haerbin to a sale, Hebei, Henan, Shanxi and haerbin in Shandong province. 其生产的假货以340元一箱的价格,通过哈尔滨人苏某卖到河南、河北、山东、山西、哈尔滨等地。
- The Department,which is responsible for all operations for the detection of pirated and counterfeit goods,works closely with overseas law-enforcers as well as trademark and copyright owners in its fight against acts of infringement. 而香港海关则负责执行一切有关知识产权的刑事侦缉工作,并与海外执法机关及商标和版权拥有人合作,打击侵犯知识产权权益的行为。