- counter balanced fork lift truck 平衡重式叉车
- If a fork lift truck is not used in a safe manner, it might be very hazardous. 不安全使用叉车,会有很大的危险。
- HYSTER is the first U.S. lift truck manufacturer to receive ISO9002 registration. 如今海斯特的影响已经遍布美国和世界各国。
- All overhung items, gages, hoses, valves, electrical wires or boxes will be protected with heavy duty guarding, from lift truck mast. 所有悬挂物体,量侧器,软管,阀门,电子线及包装都必须很好的保护,避免碰到插车天线。
- The company's full product line includes manual propelled hand pallet trucks, stackers, sit-down and stand-up counter balanced trucks, narrow-aisle reach trucks, very narrow-aisle turret trucks, and order picking equipment. 公司的产品包括手动叉车和堆高车、式和站式升降式叉车、通道货物叉车以及高货位叉车。
- With three decades of proven reliability and quality engineering, Hoist Liftruck Mfg., Inc. provides the preferred lift truck for performance, serviceability and operator comfort. 通过30年来见证的稳定性与优质技术,霍斯特叉车因其性能、服务便捷与操作舒适性受到更多的亲赖。
- This paper presents different layouts of counterbalanced battery lift truck, describes their advantages and shortcomings and shows how to determine traveling motor's power. 摘要介绍平衡重式蓄电池叉车传动系统布置方式,阐述了不同布置方式的优缺点和确定行走电机功率的计算方法。
- The pallet can be positioned by fork lift truck or pallet jack and, thanks to the base plate 92 mm. high, Rotoplat LP-AS has a high operating flexibility. 托盘可由叉车搬运。由于底板只有92毫米高,所有叉车操作就非常方便和灵活。
- HYSTER has been building lift trucks for over 70 years. 海斯特已经有70多年叉车生产的历史。
- Holman counter balanced drill rig 霍尔曼平衡钻车
- The crampon can also be used for counter balance or by hooking with the heel behind icicles or in holes in the ice. 冰爪有时用来做反平衡或用脚后跟钩在冰柱上,或者放进冰上的小孔内。
- Specialised training programmes in support of the new legislation were also held on such topics as manual handling, 'Safety Card' training courses on cargo handling, fork lift truck operations and competency courses for working in confined spaces. 该局又举办配合新法例的专门训练课程,例如体力处理操作训练课程、货柜处理业的平安咭训练课程、叉式起重车操作训练课程,以及专为在密闭空间工作而设的合资格操作员训练课程。
- Specialised training programmes in support of the new legislation were also held on such topics as manual handling,'Safety Card'training courses on cargo handling,fork lift truck operations and competency courses for working in confined spaces. 该局又举办配合新法例的专门训练课程,例如体力处理操作训练课程、货柜处理业的平安咭训练课程、叉式起重车操作训练课程,以及专为在密闭空间工作而设的合资格操作员训练课程。
- When used for counter balance, the foot only pushes against the ice with the side of the crampons; when hooking, a better hook is possible when using heel points (spurs) (fig.84). 当用到反平衡的时候,脚只是用冰爪同一侧抵着冰面,当用钩的动作的时候,脚后跟上的点是很好的钩点(刺激)(图84)。
- Crown is the number one br of electric lift trucks in the United States the fifth largest lift truck manufacturer in the wld. 科朗目前是北美地区最大的电动叉车供应商,同时也是全球叉车生产的五大制造商之一。
- Counter balance system shall have a single weight, pulley, cable, counter balance system which prevents sash tilting and permits one finger operation at any point along full width pull. 平衡系统有砝码、轮、链等装置。平衡系统可以阻止移门倾斜,并且可用一只手操控。
- Leaf chains for fork lift trucks, cranes,elevators,platforms,draw benches and transcontainer machines. 叉车,起重机,电梯,行车,集装箱运输机械用叶链。
- Development of the New Hand Hydraulic Lift Truck 一种新颖手摇液压升降车的研制