- Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill. 棉布是由棉纺厂生产的。
- The fierce rat is tussling with a grown rabbit. 又大又凶的老鼠在跟大兔子扭斗了。
- The cotton pickers want more money. 采棉工人要求更多的报酬。
- This district grew cotton on a large scale. 这个地区过去大量种棉花。
- She dabbed at the cut with cotton wool. 她用药棉轻轻地按了按伤口。
- He didn't seem to cotton on to me then. 当时他似乎并不喜欢我。
- Father stopped up the rat's holes. 父亲堵塞了那些老鼠洞。
- Cotton is more comfortable to wear than nylon. 棉布比尼龙穿着舒服。
- The cat which caught a rat is ours. 捉到一只老鼠的猫是我们的。
- She picked cotton much faster than I. 她摘棉花比我摘得快。
- The import of cotton goods went up sharply in 1986. 在1986年,棉织品的进口猛增。
- He wrote a meritorious theme about his visit to the cotton mill. 他写了一篇关于参观棉纺织厂的有价值的论文。
- She felt sick at the sight of the dead rat. 她一见那只死老鼠就感到恶心。
- She sickened at the sight of a dead rat. 她看见死老鼠就感到恶心。
- Cotton account for70% of our export. 棉花占我们出口的70%。
- After the storm she looked like a drowned rat. 暴雨过后,她浑身湿透,像只落汤鸡。
- The nurse put a clean pad of cotton over his wound. 护士在他的伤口上敷了一块干净的纱布垫。
- I smelt a rat when he started being so helpful! 他主动帮起忙来,我怀疑其中另有文章!
- Gingerly he opened the door of the rat's cage. 他小心翼翼地打开鼠笼的门。
- A finely woven white linen or cotton fabric. 细麻布精致纺出的白色的麻布或棉纺织物