- The Premature Crack of Cotton Spinning Rubber Cots and the Protection. 棉纺胶辊的早期龟裂与防护
- For large, medium and small cotton spinning, trade companies to provide lint. 可为大、中、小棉纺、贸易公司提供皮棉。
- Binhe Industrial Park: Chemical industry, building materials, cotton spinning industry assembling area. 滨河工业园:化工、建材、棉纺工业聚集区。
- Disk asmpler Used for cutting circular specimen of wool spinning cotton spinning chemic-al fibre and knitting fabrics. 用于切取各毛纺、棉纺、化纤、针织等织物的圆形样品。
- T/C and cotton spun grey fabr ... 采购:阻燃纺织品(buyer Flame Retardant Textiles) Flame retardant fabrics.
- While finishing the restructuring task of the cotton spinning sector,the textile industry will initiate the restructuring of woolen and silk sectors. 在完成棉纺行业调整工作同时,启动毛纺、丝绸行业总量控制和结构调整。
- The quality of silk noil yarn produced on cotton spinning system is much better than that produced on silk noil spinning system. 指出 :采用棉纺系统生产的绢纺落绵纱 ,较采用绢纺?丝纺系统的成纱质量有较大提高
- While finishing the restructuring task of the cotton spinning sector, the textile industry will initiate the restructuring of woolen and silk sectors. 在完成棉纺行业调整工作同时,启动毛纺、丝绸行业总量控制和结构调整。
- According to specility of cotton spinning frame mechanism and cotton type siro spinning,cotton type siro spinning simple controlling set was developed. 针对棉纺细纱机的机构特点和棉型赛络纺纱的特点,设计开发出一种棉型赛络纺单纱控制装置。
- Function in cotton spinning engineering of drawing and roving is taken attention to the develop of system spinning technology principle. 并条和粗纱在棉纺工程中的作用,随着系统纺纱工艺理论的发展日益被人们所重视。
- The fancy yarn of acrylon,viscose and polyester which have different percent thermal shrinkage is exploited in cotton spinning machine. 利用不同收缩率的腈纶、粘胶、涤纶长丝在棉纺设备上生产腈/粘/涤三重结构的花式纱,探讨了纺纱工艺、关键技术,以及生产过程中的注意事项。
- Cotton spinning systematic unevenness is the main defect in yarn forming course, and it influences fabric out and inner quality much. 棉纺规律性条干不匀是成纱主要疵点之一,对织物外观和内在质量影响很大。
- Cotton spinning,weaving,woolen spinning,silk reeling,garment processing and chemical fiber processing all rank first in the world in term of production capacity. 棉纺、织造、毛纺、缫丝、服装、化纤生产能力均居世界第一位。
- Technology design and production practice in spinning different denier and different length polyester yarn blended with viscose on cotton spinning system. 介绍了在棉纺设备上加工异旦、不等长涤/粘混纺仿毛织物用纱的工艺设计与实践。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- Cotton spinning, weaving, woolen spinning, silk reeling, garment processing and chemical fiber processing all rank first in the world in term of production capacity. 棉纺、织造、毛纺、缫丝、服装、化纤生产能力均居世界第一位。
- In this paper, the twisting point, twisting region, Bain of the real twist and the change law of the sliver twist in the flyer twisting process of the cotton spinning are studied. 对棉纺翼锭加捻过程中的加捻点、加捻区、纱条真捻的获得及捻度的变化规律等问题进行了理论探讨和实验研究,证实该加捻过程唯一的真实加捡点为锭翼侧孔。
- Include to improve boiler efficiency among them, remove dust for coal of power plant section and smokestack, technology of plant of stimulative cotton spinning upgrades etc. 其中包括提高锅炉热效率,为电厂节煤和烟窗除尘,促进棉纺厂技术升级等。
- At present cotton spinning factory uses cotton spindle band mostly, it is existing puissant low, wearability difference, life weak point, use up advanced defect. 目前棉纺厂大多采用棉锭带,它存在着强力低、耐磨性差、寿命短、消耗高等缺点。